Thursday, December 29, 2005

I'm freaking out!

So we have an overabundance of nursery kids in our ward. That is where I come in. In the Primary presidency, I'm over the nursery and the sunbeams. I thought it was a great idea because at the time C was in the nursery. She's now going to be a sunbeam! and A will hit the nursery around Feb/March.

Well at this time we have 27 kids in the nursery. We've been told at the stake and ward level that we need to have only 10 kids per nursery. So that means that we need to have 3 nurseries. By the end of the year, we'll have around 42 kids in nursery. (we have a young families ward) So by the end of the year, we'll need to have 4 nurseries.

The problem is that we don't have room for that many nurseries.

So we've been searching for answers. We thought maybe we could switch one of our nursery rooms for the bigger YW room. They weren't all that excited to move though. And they would have to use the kitchen for a classroom. We would have to help them move the piano every sunday, and also buy them pictures for the walls out of our budget.

Also, the YW pres is harder than hades to get a hold of. So for the past week, I've been trying to talk to her. I finally cornered her Christmas day at church. She wasn't excited about the idea at all. She wanted me to solve all her problems. That's how we came around to the list of things for us to do above. I told her I would call her monday, but wasn't able to before FHE time came around.

I also wanted to put it off until I verified that this was our absolute last resort.
I went to the church and listed all our current classrooms, and how many classes we had. I also was able to look a little more into the possibility of using 2 classrooms that we already have. They have a divider and would be a perfect nursery. But that would leave us short a classroom. I talked it over with the Primary Pres and we discussed a few things. Anyway I called up the Sunday School Pres. and was able to find out that they had a classroom that no-one was using. So Voila! Solution.

The funny part was that I haven't been able to get a hold of the YW pres to tell her the heat is off, for now. Come fall when we hit 40, I'm not sure what we'll do. Maybe we'll have to up the limit to around 14 in each nursery. That's better than the 20 each that we were carrying at the end of this year in each of our 2 nurseries.

Anyway, now I need to call a few people to finish this thing off.

I'M SICK OF PHONE CALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!