Friday, November 17, 2006

more pictures!

Tile in the entry way and 1/2 bath
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Tile that will be under the fireplace
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My dream kitchen!!
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My awesome laundry room
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I'm looking forward to a soak in this!!!
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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Life goes on

So we got the final-ish move-in date from our builder. Now we've been told that the final inspection will be the first week in December and we should be able to move in after that.

So a bit of a delay just like everyone else warned us about. Lets just hope that it doesn't get moved again. Again, its very nice not to have to be out of the house by the end of the month. We would have had to live somewhere for 2 weeks and that would have been a pain.

So my Dad called with one of his occasional updates yesterday. Since he lives next door to the new house, and just retired last week due to his back getting worse, we are lucky enough to get these updates from time to time.

He said that the tile backsplash was going in and just about done. They were also working on the tile entryway. The sinks had been dropped in, and the plumber was hooking everything up.

Earlier this week the cabinets were finished up (my kitchen rocks!) and the linolium went in last week. The painter still has a few places that need touch up.

I can't believe how quickly things are going!!! But not quickly enough for the original finish date of Thanksgiving that our builder originally gave us. Oh well.

The house has been on the market for one week now, and not one call. Its going to be fine though. We have been very calm about it, and I feel comfortable about things. We are going to be fine.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Interesting development

The offer on our house fell through on Tuesday. Talk about the bottom falling out. Everything has changed.

The home under construction is coming along well and we should be moving in around Thanksgiving. That will make selling this home a little bit easier.

We are still in a little bit of shock.

Anyway, we put our house back on the market today. Its nowhere near ready to show. Its a stinking mess. The carpets need to be cleaned again and the bathrooms need a good scrubbing. The whole house needs to be picked up and vacuumed. The dishes need to be done.

I need to start packing.

And we are talking in church on Sunday.

I feel a little slammed.

Why do they do that? Why do they ask you to speak in Church when you are under a lot of stress and have a whole bunch of things to do. Oh yeah, lets write a talk and then stress about giving it. AAAHHHHH!!!!!

OK, enough of that.

They finished painting our new house on Monday or Tuesday and they put down subfloor and linoleum yesterday and today. They also got the well hooked up to the house on Tuesday, and inspected on Wednesday.

Things are just coming along swimmingly.

In a way its nice not to have the stress of having to be out of the house by a certain date. That way I'll have a bit more time to do the final cleaning. And if the house was to be delayed, we would have had to find somewhere to live for a little while, so I guess its good not to have to stress about that.

The thing that really stresses me is potentially having to carry this home through the winter into next summer.

I sure hope someone is looking to buy a home during the holidays. Cross your fingers for us.

Our Front Door
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Front door from the inside. Front room to the left, 1/2 bath to the right.
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We have 4 bedrooms. The closets in 3 bedrooms look about like this. The master has a walk in.
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Our dream pantry!!!
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The cool trench that leads from the well to the house.
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