Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Something for nothing?

Check out this blog post for a free fathers day gift!

It worked for me!

Summer is almost here!

Yesterday we took our scouts to the local fish hatchery. It was a lot of fun. Did you know that it takes a whole year to get from fish egg to fish ready to be released? And they start with 80k eggs and only about 70k eggs will hatch? We learned many exciting things during the 30 minutes that we were there. We will most likely do this next year too.

One of the goats got out on Sunday. It ate some apple tree (newly planted), some raspberry plants, some blueberry plant (and would be berries!), 3 different cherry bushes, lettuce, and peas. It tasted a little of everything in the garden. It even tromped through most of our newly seeded grow boxes. Needless to say its hard to figure out who wanted to strangle it most. Me or hubby. It got out through a part of the fence that mysteriously came undone from its fence post. Still trying to figure that one out.

I spent time on Saturday skirting the fleeces from the sheep. I've come to realize that I have no idea how to skirt fleeces. I pulled out anything that had guard hairs in it. These are stiffer hairs that would make the wool itchy once it was spun. And then I just pulled out anything that was too matted, to yucky with poop or lanolin, or too short. I've put these aside for the future in case I'm feeling overly creative and ready for a challenge.

My mothers day was great. I was throroughly spoiled by my hubby who made me dinner, did the dishes, made a surprise cake for me (and let the kids help!). I also got lots of chocolate from church! And from hubby and the girls. And I got a surprise in the mail. It was a shirt with a picture of my kids on the front. It was very cute and it surprised me that he went to the trouble. When he asked me what I wanted I just told him a nice dinner that I didn't have to cook.

Well Mom and Dad hit the mission field yesterday. I'm sure they will get their assignment, apartment, etc today. I can't wait to hear all about it!

The baby chickens are getting huge. They are over 6 weeks old now and almost as big as my silkie. On a whim, yesterday I moved the silkie over to their hen house. She was showing signs of going broody again, and I thought this might snap her out of it. She could be the bully for once since she is usually the one being bullied. We'll see how that goes. It was pretty comical to watch yesterday.

I am hoping that she will give these babies lessons in being chickens. Roosting, scratching, eating anything interesting on the ground, etc.

I've discovered the beauties of conditioner for my girls. We've been using conditioning shampoo up to this point. The other day I decided to try a little conditioner. Not only did their hair comb out a lot easier, but A's curls seemed a little more curlier! So we bought some conditioner for them. They just have to remember to keep their eyes tightly shut.

Monday, May 05, 2008

My brain feels overloaded

For some reason I haven't felt like blogging. I think it has to do with how busy we've been.

Mom and Dad reported to the MTC this morning. they will be leaving for Texas Next Sunday.

We bought a web cam, but I don't have anyone to talk to until they hook up their camera. My sister in Michigan just moved and won't have a permanent connection until she moves here. I'm not sure who else I could call? Can I call you? Well, over the next week or so I'll hook it up.

We planted most of the garden. I think we have a few more boxes to fill still. I'm happy with our square foot garden concept, but I'm slightly frightened at the amount of stuff we have planted. I still vow to freeze, can, and cook everything I possibly can!

We mowed Mom and Dad's lawn today for the first time. That took a while and really wiped hubby out. Mostly because he had just tired himself out making bird house kits for scouts. He is now at a softball game. I don't think he'll have trouble sleeping tonight.

I just brought Mom and Dad's change to one of those Coinstar machines tonight. They had over $67 bucks in change. Of course Coinstar had to take $5-6 bucks. what a ripoff.

Mom is so funny. When they were trying to leave she was busy scrubbing the bathroom, trying to vacuum, and everything while Dad was trying to pack the car and leave. Needless to say, they left nearly 2 hours after they had planned.

Did I mention we have new animals at our house? We picked up the 3 angora goats that were free. I'm a little nervous about them still. When we first picked them up they stank to high heaven. Oh so bad! Dad thought it must have something to do with what they were eating. they basically were fed everything. their pasture had no grass at all. Something like, if we eat a lot of garlic, it can make us smell like garlic. Anyway, since coming off of alfalfa and now eating grass and rose bushes, they don't smell much. I still want to give them a bath though.

The 3rd goat is sick with a staph infection (not catching). When we got her we knew this. We had to buy medicine for her through her vet. Anyway, it ended last Friday, and I'm not sure exactly how to tell if she is over the infection. I'll just keep an eye on her. Buying her medication has so far been the only cost. At $15 it certainly has been a bargain.

Tomorrow C's preschool class is coming for a farm day. They are going to help me feed the chickens, gather eggs, feed the goats and sheep (they will get a special treat of alfalfa to lure them to us) and then we will look at the garden, have a spinning display, and then play with the not so baby chicks.

I think it will be lots of fun. they'll be here for about 45 minutes. I'm pretty sure that will easily take up all of our time.

I'm pretty excited about it!