Saturday, January 28, 2006

My needs

Google your name + needs. So it looks like this "Me Again needs". Quite entertaining!

Me Again needs ... help
Me Again needs ... an organ transplant (who knew?)
Me Again needs ... a theme song
Me Again needs ... to get a life
Me Again needs ... an adoptive family (really?)
Me Again needs ... a fresh start
Me Again needs ... a loving home (well, ok then)
Me Again needs ... independence
Me Again needs ... very little help with daily tasks
Me Again needs ... a makeover (Hey! I'm trying over here!)
Me Again needs ... a new environment
Me Again needs ... to find the truth

I am slightly disturbed at how many people are using my name for their pets names.

Oh well.

I won't take credit for this. I found it on someone elses blog and found it entertaining.

I could tell you the poop story instead, but members of my family found it too distirbing, so I'll spare you. Lets just say it involved massive amounts of poop and a bathtub. And my two kids. We'll leave it at that :) .


Kristin R Hemesi said...

Hi there you commented on my blog so I shot over to yours. I left you a little note on my blog but I did not know if you read my blog a lot or were new to it. Do I know you or did you stumble onto it? I get so excited when someone comments.

Me again said...

I can't remember how I came across your blog. Most likely it was linked to on another blog I read.

I do that a lot. I'll be reading a blog and then someone says something about someone else's blog with a link, and I'll go check it out, and if it looks interesting, I bookmark it.

For some reason I like reading about other LDS people out there and their experiences. I find it interesting.

Anyway, thanks for commenting on my blog. It's been a while since someone has done that :)

Kristin R Hemesi said...

No problem I am a the commenting QUEEN. I love comments so I Leave comments. It is super cool you found me. I am sorry to say I am not the best LDS person and I hope that will not drive you away. I am working on it and as soon as I can I will be active again. I really want to go to the temple, I just want my hubby and kids there too

Mika said...

thanks for the comment on my blog. monkey business isn't the movie, but someone did tell me the right one. it's called turnabout... sadly it is not on or anything. but i do think i am going to buy monkey business, it looks so cute and i love MM. :)