Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Hubby's father passed away yesterday evening.

I'm not ready to say much more than that.

We're all a bit numb.

Thoughts going through my head:

What am I feeling?

Why do I feel so normal at times, and at other times, so emotional?

How is this going to affect hubby?

How is this going to affect our relationship?

How is this going to affect hubby's Mom?

How is this going to affect the family?

I'm tired of all these emotions. When I say tired I mean my body is tired. This has truly been a rollercoaster ride.

We are blessed to be an eternal family.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I think I'm over it

I think I'm over blogging.

I've had lots of news the last few months, but no desire to post about it.

This has become my place to rant.

I don't want anyone to think that that's me though. I've got a great life, just need a place to rant occasionally.

Anyway, a quick update.

A is walking, C is a cutie who is becoming very helpful with her little sister.

Hubby is working away at his job and school. He should be done with his upper division classes by August-ish. Then he has to clep around 30 credits, and then he has to take one last class, and voila! I'm hoping to have him done by next January.

He did have a bit of a scare with his job. The company was going to open a division in China. But that seems to have not taken off at all. He has a great guy at the head of his division of the company who is great and had a special meeting to update all the employees about what is going on. There were a ton of depressing rumors floating around and this guy planned a meeting for everyone (held 2x to accomodate all the shifts) and told everyone EXACTLY what was happening and not happening. He managed to clear up all the rumors, and hubby came home from work very positive and not worried at all. We even started dreaming about a new house again!

I'm glad that scare lasted only a week. The China thing might still happen, but on a much smaller scale that would not affect hubby's job. Also, he was just given a huge new project that will give him major responsibility. So he's even feeling more valuable to the company.

I also want to mention that hubby's boss is great. He's very open, relaxed and a great supervisor. The only problem with him is the fact that he can be raunchy. He'll send out the occasional raunchy joke, and going to lunch with him is awful. He basically sexually harasses the waitresses to an embarrasing degree. Hubby tolerates what he must and deletes the rest. Lately he's been skipping out on the group lunches.

He's been skipping because of our New Year's Resolution. We decided that in order to live a longer and healthier life, and in order to more enjoy our kids and grandkids, we needed to start a diet and excersize program.

We've been exercising since Jan 1 and eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Our day starts early. Hubby gets up at 4:30 to work out for about 45 min. He runs on our treadmill and sometimes lifts weights. Then he goes to work.

I don't know his exact schedule, because I get to sleep until 7! I get up, walk for 26 min on the treadmill and then shower if there's time, and get the kids up. We have breakfast and then around 10 we have a snack. For breakfast we're eating fiber cereals and hubby eats oatmeal occasionally. Snacks are from 100-200 calories.

Hubby comes home from work around 11am He works out/lifts weights. Then we all eat lunch together. We usually have sandwiches. The kids love pb&j and we have turkey.

Then hubby goes back to work and the kids and I watch Zaboomafoo. Then the kids take naps. That's when I get started again. I'm still changing things around with my 2nd workout, but right now I'm doing another 26 minutes on the treadmill and then 30 minutes on the exersize bike. Then I have about and hour to myself and then the kids get up again!

We have an afternoon snack and then I usually let them watch Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. C loves it! Just like I did when I was a kid. We sing the theme song together!

When hubby gets home from work, he does more time on the treadmill and then we eat dinner. I've been experimenting with the "Lowfat" recipes in my Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. They're pretty good!

Then we usually watch a little tv and go to bed. Once the weather warms up I hope that we go to the park and play in the backyard in the evenings.

So anyway, this is the big thing in our lives right now. By the way, Hubby has lost 38 pounds! and I've lost a less impressive 14 pounds. I don't know why it's harder for me, Maybe because I dont' run or lift weights but it can be depressing. I just have to remind myself that we all lose weight differently. And I've been noticing that clothes fit differently so, I have to be happy with that.

But anyway, Go us!