Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Hubby's father passed away yesterday evening.

I'm not ready to say much more than that.

We're all a bit numb.

Thoughts going through my head:

What am I feeling?

Why do I feel so normal at times, and at other times, so emotional?

How is this going to affect hubby?

How is this going to affect our relationship?

How is this going to affect hubby's Mom?

How is this going to affect the family?

I'm tired of all these emotions. When I say tired I mean my body is tired. This has truly been a rollercoaster ride.

We are blessed to be an eternal family.

1 comment:

Kristin R Hemesi said...

Your family is in my prayers. I too understand how you feel though. My own Father was told he has sever prostate cancer a week ago and we will not know if it has spread till the 12th of April but the Dr believes it has because of the tests he did. I have the same rollercoster one minute I am fine the next crying like a baby.

Keep your chin up and support you family as much as possible.

Lots of love
