Thursday, September 28, 2006

Just plain weird

So our realtor called me this morning and our conversation went something like this:

"Did you show your house?"

Me "No"

"Well that's really weird because we just got an offer"

Me "Are you kidding?"

Anyway, our Realtor received some random offer for our house today. Full price, site unseen. We do have to give him a fridge (I'm not giving up mine! We'll have to buy a new cheap one) and pay a large part of the closing costs. But a full price offer.

Turns out it was an investor. So we might just be able to rent back for a month until our house is ready.

Anyway we signed the papers and our realtor will fax them over tomorrow.

WE SOLD OUR HOUSE!!! (Well nearly)

How about...


Thats a bit more accurate.

Here's hoping that everything goes well and it doesn't fall through.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


In the nearly 3 months that our house has been on the market, we have had exactly 5 people show interest in SEEING it.

3 of the 5 have actually seen it.

I'm doing ok, but the fact that its been at least 2 months since someone has looked at our house could start worrying me around the end of October.

Until then, I refuse to stress over it. If I do, I will totally lose it.

In the meantime the new house is doing great. We have windows! We have electrical! We have bathtubs! We have the SOAKER TUB of my dreams!

This week and last they have been working on inspections, electrical, and getting quotes on siding.

Things are going well. We are still happy about our builder.

We found out that the cabinets that we chose and everything with that came to just $100 more than our builder budgeted, and he's ok with the overage.

We're supposed to meet with our builder tomorrow to discuss the siding. I always look forward to those meetings because it feels like we're getting inside information!

I'm still in the primary presidency, and hubby is still ward clerk. These callings keep us busy, and I don't know if that's a bad thing or not. I think it keeps my mind off of the house not selling.

C is becoming much more responsible. She helps out a lot and doesn't make nearly as many messes as she once did. But A is making up for them with her own!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


I was just looking at an old picture of you and I realized that I miss you.

You died when I was only 7 but I still remember your smile. Your gentleness. The dimple in your chin that I and even my children have.

I don't remember much else.

All my other memories are of your funeral, or were supplied to me through stories from my Dad and other family members.

I wish I had been able to get to know you. You look and sound like such an awesome man and grandpa.

Grandpa, just know that I can't wait to spend time with you again.

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Monday, September 04, 2006

pictures of the new house

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Did I mention that we have the best builder ever? My hubby and I were just admiring the gables and roof and just everything about our house and we realized that most of it was because our builder is so awesome. He designed our house for a great price. He took all of our suggestions and also led us away from things that would have looked bad, and made suggestions about what would look good.

In all, at this point, we are extremely pleased. If you need the name of an AWESOME builder in the Boise Idaho area, let me know. I have the best builder!!!

Oh, and here's a picture of the 2 cutest kids ever! My husband and I marvel that we could produce girls this cute!!!

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So lots of things happening... And lots of things not happening.

Our house is still on the market. In fact we are coming close to 2 months without one person even coming and looking. In a way thats good, because I think we might avoid having to move twice, but at this point I think I might wet my pants if someone called and wanted to actually see our house. (yes, we have been doing lots of advertising, and have lowered the price by 5k so far. We're the lowest priced in the neighborhood)

Our garden is doing ok. Its just starting to produce green peppers though. That is really annoying to me. Here it is, starting to get cold and we're just starting to have a harvest.

BYU's first game was on Saturday. They lost. My husband made he wonderful gameday homemade pizza. It was awesome. Why is it that homemade pizza is so much better than the stuff they deliver? He used 100% whole wheat flour for the crust also!

The home we are building is almost past the framing stage. You can actually walk through and see the rooms and windows and where things will be and how big the rooms are.

I'm really excited about the kitchen and the pantry. The bedrooms look awesome, the garage looks huge, I love the master!

The only thing I don't like right now is the fact that the framers seem to think that just because we're building on an acre, they can spread out that wide. We're finding nails and garbage nearly to the back of the property. That ticks me off. We're doing our own cleaning mostly because my husband and Dad (who lives at the ajoining property) wanted first dibs on the extra wood and supplies. Thats ok with me.

Dad goes around the property every day or so and picks up garbage and scraps and hauls them over to his house. The framers should be done today or tomorrow, so he's going to take the truck over there and really load up. Of course he's not taking anything that our builder may be returning for credit or anything.

Mom's happy with it because Dad built some shelves out of the scrap and she's been able to organize some food storage that really needed it. I'm happy because my husband will be able to do the same.

When they poured the cement for our foundation, something became clear. The house was on more than a slight incline. Its a slope! the back corner of the houes has a foundation of almost 5 feet! Makes me wish I'd realized it and then we could have talked about an unfinished daylight basement or something. But it was too late for that. So we've settled for a couple of crawl space access points that will make it possible for us to store a lot of food storage down there. This is where my husband will be building the shelves.

I'm starting to get nervous about living so close to my parents.