Sunday, December 07, 2008


So I've been on a crying jag this morning.

I don't know why. It was like I couldn't control my tears at all. totally out of control emotions.

I'm really not sure why either.

Last night, I had a dream that woke me up. I don't remember many details. I was in a school and something happened and at some point the children were being evacuated. It was a boarding school. Anyway as far as I knew It was just me in the dream.

But as the kids were evacuating from this huge building with multiple stories and apparently not enough exits, in a panicky sort of way, I came upon C my oldest. Her shirt was half off and she was shaken. I picked her up and we were trying to find a good exit. Anyway, I think hubby rolled over because all of a sudden the building trembled and we needed to get out NOW. Then I woke up.

Luckily it was about time to get up because this whole thing really disturbed me and I was troubled by the dream.

Hubby's alarm clock went off and I was able to tell him the abbreviated version of my dream. Just I dreamed that I lost C. Of course, I was fine until I actually had the words out and then I got choked up and cried.

Hubby came over to comfort me and I was sad for a little, but was able to shake the dream off after a minute.

I thought I was fine. I gave both the kids and extra big hug when they got up and we went to church and all was fine and dandy.

Well about half way through the meeting (fast and testimony) I lost it. The whole meeting pertained to losing a family member it seemed like because a grandma died this week after 10 years of failing health due to parkinsons.

So I'm not sure why I was crying. I should mention that I can't get through a funeral without crying during a good part of it.

That, and this dream, and we found out that hubby's grandma died this week as well, and the funeral is next friday.

I am also super tired from a very full day yesterday full of a craft show and a 2 hour shopping trip for a double coupon Wal-mart event.

And my Grandpa who sealed hubby and I passed on a few months ago passed on.

And that got me thinking about hubby's father who passed on a few years ago.

And a little about the tubal pregnancy.

It all had me hugging my family tight and crying throughout the meeting.

I know about the plan of salvation. I know it's true. I have a testimony of it.

But I just couldn't stop crying after Sacrament meeting.

So I went home. I was hoping the change of scenery would help me shake it. It has helped. And hopefully my eyes are no longer red and swollen.

I wonder if I'm going through something hormonal or what.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I'm so sorry! I had a good cry right in Young Women's today. Embarrassing.