Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ho hum

Still not pregnant.

We've been trying for over a year now. I sometimes wonder if its meant to be. I had a dream last night where I had a baby.

Its hard not to think about having a baby when everyone around me is either pregnant or has a baby.

I'm fine. I'm just having to try really REALLY hard not to obsess about it.

The newest baby lives just next door to me though!

so I've not updated this blog for a while. I think its mostly because I've been hanging out on Facebook.

I don't know if thats good or bad. I'm leaning towards bad.

We've been super busy canning and harvesting fruits and veggies from the garden. I'm also in the process of gathering eggs for the incubator again.

I've got 11 turkeys from the group the turkey hen hatched in early July. I may or may not have already said that. If I repeat, I'm sorry!

I'm trying to figure out how to fix a pear mistake.

I read that pears have to be cooled down before they can ripen. I heard you can put them in the freezer.

What I got was a defrosted soggy feeling pear.

I thought I would try to salvage them anyway. so I peeled some, got the middle out, chopped them and put them in the food mill. I want to have some texture besides mush in my pear butter.

Well the durn things are still to firm to go through the food mill! So I've put them in the microwave with a lid on the container to steam them.

Now, this may seem idiotic to most of you. But I'm just playing around with them. Trying to find what will work best.

I don't want to make them mush, just soften them. I just really don't want mush. They will cook further when I do the water bath. so I'm trying not to cook them to much.

Luckily I only peeled and chopped about 12-15 pears. so at this point, I'm not at risk for ruining the whole harvest.

Well on to other stuff.

A started preschool this week. She was soooooo happy. She is there right now! I am at home alone !

I never thought I would have this opportunity until I was at least 39 or so.

We had a movie under the stars thanks to my sister L and her projection thingey. Thanks to her and also to sister AR for hosting us.

It was a lot of fun!!

I heard a rumor we might do it again this Friday. I sure hope so!

Well, I probably should get back to the pears. I can only avoid the situation for so long :)

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