Sunday, June 27, 2010

man and wife

OK, so about 2 or so years ago, I got a phone call from my brother J.

He was calling about the family website over on . Its a great place to post pics, recipes, files, polls, and most importantly comments. I'm the administrator over it and can basically delete/change anything. Or add or delete people.

His wife had posted a political opinion that he didn't agree with and thought was a bit racey for the family website.

I have to admit that I'm a pleaser. when he asked for it to be removed, I agreed with him and removed it. I didn't care all that much. But again, I'm a pleaser. Usually I just let things go on the website. If someone needs to be added or Mom and Dad have lost their password, I'm there. I can fix it.

So I deleted it. Well soon thereafter there was a very rude comment posted on the family website by my brothers wife accusing me of being power hungry for deleting her post. Again this happened quite a while ago. I remember there being quite a stinging post, but don't remember anything other than the power hungry bit.

I responded to her post and told her that her hubby had requested it to be deleted. I also requested that she remove her very mean and rude post because IT was not appropriate for the family website and would create negative feelings.

I also seem to remember calling my brother and asking him to please explain it to his wife.

At that point I thought it was all over. I mean, I was just the person stuck in the middle.

And I've since spoken to his wife each time we get together as a family.

This wife has a blog for their family. Its a private blog that you have to be invited to read. Guess who has never been invited. Guess who despite mentioning it several times has never ever been invited.

Its crazy the grudges people hold. I'm innocent!!

Since this incident My policy is that if you want something deleted, you delete it yourself. If its a spouse (most especially) talk to them.

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