Friday, April 29, 2005


Hubby and I had a fight today. While IM'ing each other. He was at work.

He says I was being a jerk.

I say he was being too sensitive.

Now I'm wondering if I was trying to make waves cuz life is sort of boring right now.

Maybe I've been spending to much time thinking about this.

This is the first fight where I can't figure out what I'm apologizing for. Yet I have to in order to keep the peace.

He says I didn't thank him for the anniversary gift, which was for both of us. (I distinctly remember giving him a hug and kiss and telling him how awesome it was) And he says that a box of chocolates was not a real Valentines gift. And since I haven't had a chance to use the spa day gift certificate he gave me for Valentines day I must not like it. He also said that my reaction to it was less than favorable.

What is going on? Am I being rude? I don't think so. I am having my period, but I don't feel hormonal. Do husbands get hormonal? Could he be having his time of the month? LOL

I totally don't get this fight. How did it even start?

I don't even remember. yet he seems to have a perfect memory. He keeps saying things like "You really hurt my feelings with some of the things you said" and then of course I ask what did I say? And he tells me.

Thats right. He wanted to get me a pair of BYU shorts for Mothers Day. He has a pair of them that I loved to wear when I was pregnant with A. They have a soft stretchy wasteband that is nice, and they are knee length, so also modest.

Well, he couldn't find that exact pair and so suggested that he buy a new pair of shorts of the byu website for him, and give his old shorts to me. for mothers day.

I jokingly said I don't want hand me down shorts for mothers day. He took it the wrong way. Then I said, come on, just admit it, you just want a new pair of shorts. Lets cut to the chase (or something along those lines). So I finally figure out that he's not laughing with me, and is getting angry from some of his comments. I said come on you're not going to hold this against me like your sister would are you? lets just say that little comment didn't help (by the way, his sister is notorious for holding senseless grudges. Like when she was moving from one city to another, she wanted hubby to drive 1/2 hour, disconnect her computer, yes, the cords from the screen to the CPU, the mouse cord, etc. Then drive 1 1/2 hours and hook it all up for her at the new place. When he said he had other things he needed to do, she wouldn't talk to him for like 4 months. Finally she told him she would forgive him for some reason or another.)

Yeah, he is still mad at me. For some reason I don't want to grovel. Because let me tell you I'm not feeling it. I don't know why he is mad.

So should I grovel?

I hate this.

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