Thursday, April 28, 2005

Another day, not another dollar

Well, I finally got my first non-family comment. Yahoo!

I don't know how to answer comments yet, I'm sure there is a way. Until then...

I found out that my possible buisiness opportunity wasn't possible.

I e-mailed deseret book (Mormon handicraft) and they replied saying that basically at this time they weren't looking for people who crochet.

So I've been playing around with the idea of selling my crocheted items on my own website. That way I would get to keep all the money... but could I keep up with the (please!)demand.

I don't know.

Anybody want to join me in creating stuff to sell on my website?

So right now I am crocheting in my spare time and just building an inventory. I just hope I don't get invited to a bunch of baby showers in the meantime. I think my ward is starting to catch on to the fact that if I get invited to a baby shower I usually give a crocheted baby blanket. :)

To buy a .com domain name it would cost $8-9 and then you have to spend around $5? per month to host it.... it wouldn't be all that expensive if I were able to make and sell enough.

It just seems like there ought to be an easier way to make money than this at home.

I don't go in for those strange pyramid schemes. My parents bought into 2-3 while I was growing up, and they never panned out. I can't see myself ever doing that.

My younger sister L is in the process of buying a home right now. She is currently getting yanked around by her loan guy, and her realtor is kind of being clueless about the whole thing and letting the loan guy yank her around.

She was supposed to sign on the house today. They told her yesterday that it would have to wait until Monday, and her realtor is trying to push it to Tuesday. These people are just yanking her around much more than necessary. I think some of it has to do with the fact that she is very busy and not able to keep bugging them all the time.

But she's moving here on Saturday. So I'm excited. I'm really excited about the fact that she will be living about 10 min away. I think it will help me feel less isolated from my family, most of whom live 30 min away.

Don't worry, I don't plan on using her for free babysitting.

Although that brings up a story....Last Saturday hubby and I both had places to be in the morning. I had to be at a primary activity. I took the baby. Hubby wanted to go to softball practice. I called my brother C to see if his oldest daughter could babysit our oldest, C. He lives about 20 min away, but hubby's practice was near there. So that is what happened. It went well, we all had fun. But when hubby went to pick up our daughter, my brother C wouldn't let him pay for the babysitting. My brother said it was because of all the free babysitting I did for him when they were a young broke family. This was great, We had the money, but its always nice to save $$ here and there. What I didn't like was the fact that I don't think my brother told his daughter who did the actual babysitting the reason she wouldn't be paid. I feel bad, and will most likely give her a special treat the next time I see her... Maybe I'll invite her over to play a nancy drew computer game or just give her a king sized candy bar.

Well, enough for today, The Apprentice is about to start!

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