Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Garage Sale Saturday!

I'm nowhere near ready for the garage sale on Saturday.

About 3 months ago I had a brilliant idea that our subdivision should have a garage sale. Since I was the one pushing the idea, they put me in charge. So while cleaning out my closets, I've also been in charge of placing ads, posting signs, and on Saturday I'll have to put signs up at all the major cross streets.

Just thinking about it makes me tired.

I still have to do so much stuff. I haven't priced a thing, and I've still got a few more drawers left to go through.

I also wanted to have a lot of baked goods to sell. I need a list!

- go through drawers in bedroom
- get a babysitter
- find out if a goodwill truck will come by afterwards
- Make signs and arrange for hubby to help me put them up
- buy donuts and drinks to sell the day of
- make a lot of baked items to sell the day of
- price stuff

Is that all? And its already Wednesday! Ugh

My Dad is planning on bringing more stuff over tomorrow night.

I'm tired!

I think part of the problem is that since the weekend I haven't been able to drag myself to bed before 11. I need to go to bed!

Oh well.

You know what's strange about this whole garage sale thing?

Growing up my Dad worked for the DI as a production manager. He retired about 4 years ago and has worked a couple jobs since, waiting for my Mom to reach retirement age in about 2 years. Its nice because he's been able to choose jobs he enjoys.

But the whole time growing up, I thought it was a sin to have a garage sale. I thought you should donate to the DI.

I still am somewhat of that mindset, but I no longer think its a sin if you choose to have a garage sale first. :) I still think its important to donate to the DI, so most likely will have less than 5 garage sales in my lifetime

C has been running a fever on and off all day. Her body is a little different in that instead of just getting sick sometimes, She just gets a fever and fights the germ off. I'm not sure what she has now, but am sure it came from nursery. I hope she sleeps well and feels better tomorrow. I hate seeing her sick. She starts wanting to be cuddled and not wanting to play. I love the cuddling, but it gets a little tiresome when I'm breast-feeding the baby. For some reason it really bothers me to be breastfeeding, and then have C crawl all over me and pull on me. Only 4 more months or so.

Well I'm going to bed now. I've discovered when I post late at night, or in the middle of the night :) I sound stupid. I read my posts the next morning and the thoughts don't sound completed and in some cases what I thought I said, isn't what I said.

Oh well.

Lately I've become overly concerned about how many people read my blog. I guess it's part of the evolution of blogging. Actually I think I just wanted to know how many people thought that picture of my hubby was as funny as I did. :) But I've decided that I've got to get back to the mind-set of "I don't care if anyone reads this". This writing has to be for me. I need to have a place where I can think through things and vent if needed. And I think I enjoyed writing more.

So Me, this is your lecture! Just write! Don't be overly concerned about anyone who might venture onto this page.

Monday, June 06, 2005

I can't turn my brain off

So here it is, 4:30 in the morning and I'm posting on my blog.

Sad, Eh?

I'ts weird. Lately when I get up with the baby, I have a hard time making myself go back to bed. I'm not sure why. The only thing I can think of, is that maybe its because I enjoy having the house to myself? That's weird though. Oh well. At least she's starting to sleep through the night. At 8 months, its about time!

Hubby got home safely. It's nice to have him back. He had a great time at the Real Salt lake game. He liked the Men's national team game better. He said it was awesome. He said the Real game was a little slow, but that was because most teams were missing a player or two.

He also said that the lines at the stadium were out of control. Long lines for food, and even lines for the Men's bathroom. That's almost unheard of.

Well, Anyway

Today we're finally meeting with our Realtor. We're going to start searching for a piece of land to buy for our dream home.

Unlike most people's dream home, ours will not be huge. It will not be a castle. It will be modest and fill our needs. Mostly the dream is living on a piece of land that is larger than the .18 of an acre that we currently occupy. Our front yard and our neighbors front yard are not separated. This would be fine if we both had similar landscaping tastes. but we don't. Hers involves a couple fountains, an arch, lots of roses, not much grass. Very very busy. Everyone comments on it. Not because they like it. They always say stuff like "that is busy". and these are pretty small front yards.

Oh well.

I was very disturbed yesterday at church. We have a family in our ward that is a bit unique. I don't know that you would find this in any other ward out there.

Both of the parents suffered from an accident when they were children. Both came very near death. The result of these accidents was that they are both somewhat... I want to say simple, but I don't think that is right. They can both function normally, but don't have normal intelligence. They have 3 children. 2 sons and a daughter. The sons are very hard to handle. They don't respond well to dicipline. I don't know if this is because they don't get any at home, or what. But we are slowly coming up with ways to handle it in primary. We've found that the younger boy responds well to classes that are mostly male, and a male teacher.

On Sunday I dropped C off at nursery and then left for the usual Primary round up, get kids where they need to be. The nursery teacher ran after me and told me that these two boys had broken into a couple of nursery cabinets and eaten a whole box of vanilla wafers. The food didn't bother me. That is only a couple of dollars. What bothered me was that a)these kids had willfully broken doors and locks on ours and another wards nursery closets, and b) Why do these kids think this is acceptable behavior?

How did this happen? Is an easy question to answer. The children are allowed to explore the building while the rest of us are attending Sacrament meeting. We go to church at 2 so there are no other wards in the building at the time we meet. These kids have been known to run through the gym during sacrament meeting. yes, while the curtain to the gym is open. One time the younger one (who is about 7) ran up from the gym and down the aisle. I assume trying to make it to the stand? Anyway, the Primary president at that time was able to dive out of her seat and grab the kid when he was about 6 rows from the front.

The mother, during most of this, sits calmly in her seat. Occasionally you will see her drag one of them out, but not often. Her husband has to work some sunday's, but I think they do a little better when he is there.

I have slowly come to the realization that what they need is a male role-model in their life. A strong father type figure that they can model their behavior after. You know, Someone they like so much that they want to be just like him. Someone that has time to spend with them.

Trouble is, they are so wild, not many people want to be around them.

Anyway, I'm in a quandry as to what we should do about the whole cupboard situation.

Do we hold them responsible and make them pay for the damage? This damage involves the locks and hinges. Do we have them work off the $$ ? I'm glad that this is not my decision. The Primary president will be speaking with the bishop this week to see what direction we want to take.

There is a part of me that can't stand these boys.

There is another part of me that really wants to find a way to reach them.

The one is me before this calling.

The other is me after this calling.

I realize that some kids are just rowdy and you need to lovingly help them. Then other kids need the iron fist.

I don't have enough parenting or teaching experience to figure out which is which.

I'll take any suggestions if anyone has them.

I'm really learning a lot from this calling

Time for bed now!

Friday, June 03, 2005

I have no life

Today I caught myself checking the blogs I read for updates. Twice. Kinda sad :)

I don't know. Its kind of like reading a book that is never finished. There are a lot of bloggers that have a great writing style that I enjoy. Then, others where I can only read some of their posts. They get to longwinded.

So I have a cute picture that I think I'm going to post. I'm just hoping that hubby doesn't get upset at me :)

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I about died laughing when I noticed that both my 2 year old and my hubby were having the same problem!

Here's a pic of the green piano we sold.

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See, not so bad. Kind of a sage green. I love my new piano by the way. And I rearranged my family room so that it looks great! And I moved it around by myself!! I didn't have to call 5 guys to come over and move a heavy piano!

And here's the picture that my Aunt and Uncle who are currently serving a mission in the Phillipines sent.

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They woke up one morning and noticed this huge spider in the window. They thought it was outside, but were shocked to find it was inside. Generally spiders over there are harmless. However they decided to kill it with a fly swatter and ended up feeding it to the semi-tame cats living near their back door. Their house help told them that these spiders generally eat insects around the house, so are good to keep around. But I agree with my Aunt on this one. If that thing crawled across me while I was in bed, I'd die from a heart attack. Uggghhh!!! Gives me the creeps!

Anyway, I've got to go to the store for diapers. I went earlier, and you guessed it. I forgot the one thing I had to get. Oh well.