Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It drives me crazy

It drives me crazy that we can have an argument about whatever, and then he'll just go to sleep in the middle of it.

I hate that when I get so upset that I leave the room he never follows me. It's like he could care less.

The thing is, he is normally very caring. Why can't he see that this would make a big difference to me?

Tonight we were arguing about where to go for Thanksgiving. My family is huge and normally has to reserve a church building for our meal. This year, it looks like it will be a small gathering for a change and my parents decided to have it at their home for a change.

I would like to go. My husband wants to go to his parents. To be fair, it is our year to go there.

I hate this whole your parents my parents split the holiday thing. I really just want to stay home (at OUR house) and enjoy the holiday.

In the middle of the argument I threatened this. He didn't have any comment.

He says that I don't show any enthusiasm to go to his parents house at all. Ever.

I do though. There are things that I don't like about it though. I will admit that.

First off, his parents live in a doublewide. No big deal. We have a small kitchen and living room to hang out in. But to stay there for long periods of time can be claustrophobic. Especially since his father is an invalid and has huge sores on his legs that smell. I guess being around that smell is something I don't look forward to. His dad lives in the living room. That's also where everyone eats. Tne kitchen is just to small to fit around the table. Their house is also the reason I will never like the smell of Febreeze again. Febreeze mixed with smelly mediciney smells aren't very nice. And don't get me started on the bathroom. Lets just say that I make every effort to go before we get in the car to go to their house.

I also don't look forward to keeping C and A out of what they are supposed to stay out of and confined into that small area. I don't mind it for Sunday visits.... I wonder how long we would stay for Thanksgiving? 4-6 hours? It was only a few years ago that we were there... Why don't I remember? Did we leave early to get in some Thanksgiving at my parents?

His parents are very nice people, and I don't mind talking to them at all. I don't mind talking to any of his family.

But I was trying to explain this concept to him earlier. If I have a choice of course I'm going to choose my parents. That's my home. That's what I'm familiar with. Unless you had a horrible childhood, that's what you do. I tried to explain this to him and he totally didn't understand.


He thinks I have something against his parents, their trailer, etc. He says, "Why do you even mention the smallness if it doesn't matter?" Well that would be because it's slightly claustrophobic. But I can handle it. No Big Deal. FOR HIM I WILL DEAL WITH IT!!! He doesn't get that though.


This whole argument started when I said that he seemed to care deeply where we go for Thanksgiving, so I said we'll do what you want to do, I don't care about it as much as you seem to. Then he got all argumentive. I still don't understand why.

I hope whoever might stumble upon this blog won't think that we argue all the time. Only occasionally. And it's true what they say. The 3 things you will argue about in a marriage are family, money, and sex. So far, family is a big hitter in our house.

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