Thursday, June 01, 2006

I'm about to have a nervous breakdown

We've been working on simply owning the land that our future home will be built on.

Can you say headache?

From not being able to split the lot, to easements, to surveys, to acknowledgement letters, to renaming the lane to putting up street signs, to quit claims.

This is the biggest headache. As of about 10 minutes ago I was ready to call the whole thing off.

I received the acknowledgement letter from the highway district. It said that we would have to pave the lane and put a stop sign in. My first thought was of some asphalt quotes for our home owners association. What we had quoted was much smaller than a lane, and was quoted at $16k.

We don't have that sort of money and I don't intend to go that much further into debt for this stupid thing.

I should also mention the the county planning and zoning people told us that since the lane already existed, we would not have to pave it.

Upon further review of the letter, it struck me that they were referring to to "one lot plus the new lot". Well there will be 3 lots on this after all is said and done. So I'm crossing my fingers that this is a big mistake!

I'm really crossing my fingers.

If we have to pave the lane, I'm pretty sure we can't afford this. I've already been worried about financial stuff and this would be the straw, you know "The last straw" or the "straw that broke the camels back"

Pray for us.

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