Wednesday, May 09, 2007

so much to say

Heres the Readers Digest version of what I've not felt like posting about.

The day we got the occupancy permit for our home, my husband decided to move in. This was Mid-December. The next day I awoke to find that I had herniated a disc in my back. Lovely.

After much pain, and after trying a visit or two to the chiropractor, I decided to visit my normal doctor and get the good pain meds. My real doctor was out of town for 2 weeks, and so I had to go to another doctor. He prescribed a pain med, anti inflammatory, and a muscle relaxant. I was in bed for a week and things seemed to be getting worse. One day I forgot to take my pain pill (hey, I was on 3 different pill schedules!) and ended up in the ER because I was in so much pain. The sad thing was that after I got there, they made me wait so long to get in, my pain pill FINALLY started working. Although it was making me very nauseous. Anyway, the ER doc prescribed me a heavier hitting pain med for emergencies like that one where the pain was just awful. I never ended up taking it, but held on to it just in case.

By the next Wednesday I was spending more and more time out of bed. I still had 3 or so relapses, but was doing all right. I started going to and have since graduated from the physical therapist. I also started going to a chiropractor who practices kinesiology, and acupuncture. It was ok. I don't know how much it actually helped. And, this guy has since turned his practice over to another guy who is just awful. So I'm thinking about going to another chiropractor because about 2 weeks ago I had another setback and am having major sciatic pain again.

My husband has been a real trooper and has supported me through it all. He is going to school, working full time, and helping with the kids and doing dishes and laundry.

Since spring arrived we have been working hard. I think this might be what has been leading up to this latest setback.

We've had grass planted, planted trees, planted a garden, planted shrubs and flowers, etc, etc. We've been very busy.

We've also been very busy helping my parents. They are having my sisters wedding reception in their yard in July and of course they have to whip everything into shape. We haven't actually done all that much, but we have helped out.

My hubby and Dad work together really well, and help each other out physically, and with coming up with solutions.

Anyway, we are also Wolf leaders in our ward and are having a lot of fun with it.

C has a new friend who she has play dates with.

C and A are hard to keep from Grandma and Grandpa's house. If they see Grandma or Grandpa, they always have to say hi and go and see them. I think G & G might finally be getting tired of it. Last week Grandma started talking about rules at Grandma's house.

I'm sure there is more, but that was the basics.

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