Monday, December 31, 2007


So, here it is. New Years Eve.

Our big plans? We're going to stay home, go to bed at our normal time. I guess we're just boring.

Hubby has tomorrow off.


Tomorrow I get to pick up my spinning wheel!! Hooray! I've been waiting nearly 3 weeks. It had to be shipped from New Zealand.

Anyway, I'm super excited about that.

C and A had a great Christmas. They've been playing madly with their new Christmas toys and only destroyed about half of them so far.

I still haven't decided if I like the whole 'buy my own Christmas gift' thing we did this year.

I was told I was going to be released as a nursery teacher a few weeks ago, but that didn't happen. Yesterday they gave me a roster of sorts for next year. so I guess I'm staying. It had my name on it.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Each week my back hurts and is sore for days after nursery. I think that had to do with all of the bending and lifting. I'm going to try and stay in the game for a while longer. I like nursery. Just don't care for the pain.

Our nursery is going to be down to about 5 kids (YAY!). We were up to 14 when everyone was there. But that didn't happen often. We averaged about 10-12. I'm hoping with the reduced number of kids there will be reduced pain. If so, I'll stay. If not, I'll try to stay a few months and then I'll ask to go.

If last week had been this week, and the older kids had already moved on to Sunbeams, we would have had 1 kid. It sounds like a vacation to me! I think we may take the time to clean out the toys closet and organize our other suppplies.

Hubby and I also serve with the 8 yr old scouts. so if I ask to be released from nursery, its not like we're slacking.

Anyway, I really hope that it all works out.

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