Saturday, March 15, 2008

New baby, new trees, spring is here!

My sister had her baby earlier this week. Mom flew out to Michigan to help her out. From the pictures I've seen and the webcam, she looks like such a cutie! She might have red hair like her mother and she has rolls of fat. Her birth weight was 9lbs 1/2 oz. And my little sis did it naturally. Not by choice, in the end she wanted the drugs. But She made it through it and everyone is healthy.

We have had a busy day. We started the morning with a Ward breakfast and Easter egg hunt. That was fun and the kids loved it. Needless to say we've been eating to much candy.

Next we came home and relaxed for a little bit. Then Hubby went over to help with changing some brake pads, (he's never done). My Dad and hubby get along well and Dad loves to teach my hubby all sorts of new skills. My hubby really appreciates it as well. He didn't have to many of these sorts of opportunities growing up.

After than hubby went and (after a short course of how to use it) used a chain saw to chop a bunch of wood we got cheap. He had to get it down to a size that would fit our fireplace. Then I guess he stacked it.

While he was doing this I was keeping my Dad and sister company while they changed the oil in their cars. The kids were playing with a neighbors grandson. They traipsed all over our yard and Grandpa's.

We stopped for a nutritious lunch of cereal and milk. Then we relaxed some more and then we decided to plant 4 fruit trees that we bought a few weeks ago. We just finished that. Now hubby is asking about dinner and we are all tired!!!

Oh, and we also put the sheep in with the goats. Dad's pasture had much more grass than ours and we hopefully will save some money on alfalfa by the sheep eating more grass.

So yesterday Hubby called me from work and said that a co-worker whom he had chatted with about chickens had brought in a blue/green egg for him. The co-worker has a rooster. So the first thought I had was, bring that egg home and put it under our broody chicken.

Yeah, this means we have a 50/50 chance of a rooster. Also, we really don't know the breed of chicken. Easter egger, americauna, auracana? Also, it was refrigerated. The hatch rate goes down to 50%.

Oh well. If nothing happens, I can still buy some chicks and slip them under the chicken. She is so cute in her broodiness. She just sits on that nest and stares ahead. That would drive me nutty. But this little chicken is determined.

So hopefully we'll have news on that in the next 20 days or so.

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