Monday, January 12, 2009

Back to the daily grind

So now that the holidays are gone, we are just back to the daily grind.

Hubby has to take a week off at Chinese New year. So I'm looking forward to that. I kind of what to do something, but am not sure what yet.

C still loves school and A loves preschool.

The snow has melted for the most part and until today the weather has been pretty mild. Today was a little cold.

Today I got to choose between cleaning out the hen house or cleaning the kitchen.

The egg production has been extremely low because the odor of the hen house so I chose that project.

It was smelly and dirty. As always, I felt like everything I had on needed to be washed and I need a shower!

The only thing I didn't like was that my dishes needed to be done when the scouts were doing a project around the table.

I have one annoying scout who loves to say things like today "The table needs to be wiped off. There are Cheerios!" and when we were passing out the scouting for food flyers he said some lovely things about how my car needed to be cleaned out.

When he said the car comments, I invited him to clean it. Today when he mentioned the table, I said that I had to clean out the hen house, and then when he said something about it again I reminded him that I am his scout leader, not his mother and then wiped it off.

Considering that all it had was a little jam from lunch and a couple of cheerios from breakfast, he should feel pretty lucky.

Its really the way he says it. Like "I can't believe you don't have a spic and span house!"

He is the rudest boy I have ever met. I know he must have manners in there somewhere. He has a very well behaved family.


I wish someone would tell him about how every person in the church is a volunteer at their calling. We don't get paid. Sometimes we don't even really like what we are doing, But we do our best anyway.

The truth of the matter is that I'm still recovering from my herniated disc. Most of my days are good ones now which is awesome. But my stamina is still not as good as it once was. Its getting there though.

I now can stand at the sink (it bothers my back) long enough to load the dishes, wash the pots and pans, and clear off the cupboards. But then I have to sit down for a while. If I push it, It can be sore for the next few days.

I'd love to be able to clean the whole kitchen at one go, but I'm not there yet.

But considering that just over a year ago I had trouble sweeping the floor all at one time, I am improving a whole lot.

And as I improve my house is getting more and more under control. But I can't push it. That is the one thing I've learned. Knowing when to take a break.

I know that people look at my house (I know I do) and think "What a dump!" this is only 2 years old?

Well, I wish I could tell them why its not as clean as I would like.

But I can't.

I guess the one thing I would like to tell people would be, "Are you sure you know the whole story?" Are you sure you are accurately judging me?

And I've definitely learned not to judge people on looks, or their home.

Don't get me started on our Visiting teaching group where we met at my home and the other 2 ladies looked a little uncomfortable on my ragged soon to be reupholstered couches. They barely even spoke to me.

The reason my couches have yet to be reupholstered is that I'm a little intimidated by the project and I really haven't made the time yet. And hubby put the fabric in another room and I don't see it often and its easily forgotten about.

Maybe I need to work on it during the Chinese New Year break.

I'm sorry for this rambling post.

I have to go and tuck the girls in now.

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