Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'll admit it

the fact that the people who organized the family reunion this year have decided to change venue with $%&*@#$&*(%@#$*()*() less than 2 weeks until the reunion is driving me crazy.

I don't need this drama. I don't want this drama.

Hubby said it was up to me. I told him we were staying home.

If I tell anyone in my family this I will become the focus of everyone from my parents to my nieces and nephews.

Now we're expected to be grateful that instead of sleeping in my nice soft bed and airconditioned home I can either pay for a hotel room or stay on an air mattress in a home in the midst of construction.

I officially withdraw from this family. Its just too hard.

2 weeks and I'm expected to turn my life upside down.

I'm expected to pay for car repairs that I had hoped to put off a few weeks.

I'm expected to find and pay for someone I trust to care for my animals (over a MAJOR holiday weekend!)

We have chicks and will have more by next Sunday.

I'm just so frustrated.

I welcome some numbness. I feel it coming on.

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