Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I think

I think I've finally found my buisiness opportunity.

Lately I've been thinking about ways to make some extra money. Not that we need it, just that I want to feel somewhat useful and that I'm contributing something.

I've explored buying another buisiness making salsa. I've thought about launching my own web site selling crocheted items.

Then it hit me last night. I had a vague memory of reading in a Deseret Book catalog about how Mormon Handicraft was looking for crafters. Problem is that I don't remember how long ago that was.

I sent them an e-mail inquiry.

I found an article from about a year ago that stated that that they were always looking for crafters and they charged them $25 per year and paid them 70% of what their crafts brought it. That seems sort of a rip off, but I wouldn't have the cost of maintaining a web site, and I wouldn't be the only person contributing to my inventory... I'm seriously thinking about it.

More later.


IdahoBringhurst's said...

Hi there. I am looking for something my wife can do for extra money as well. Could you provide an email or website for what you are talking about. Thank you.

Me again said...


But they are not looking for crochet stuff at this time.

If your wife does other stuff... do what I did. E-mail a question on the site re: mormon handicraft. Maybe they are looking for people who do other crafts?