Sunday, August 17, 2008

And the beat goes on

C starts Kindergarten on Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited!

She's so excited!

She already loves her teacher.

I'm just starting to realize how this is going to change our mellow stay at home life. I'm not sure if I'm ready.

A is going to start preschool in September at the same place that C was last year. I'm excited about that. I'm hoping it will help her on focusing. She tends to sit and stand and move about an awful lot in primary.

I subbed in C's class last sunday and was rather appalled at the fact that she was the worst sunbeam in the class. The rest were sitting and doing what they were supposed to do. A was moving from one teacher's lap to the other and would stay put for about a half second.

We are now actively working on the skill of sitting still and listening.

Ar is coming to live next door at Mom and Dad's house. I'm so excited! I may start a countdown calendar to put on the wall. Each day we could blissfully remove a number until she was here. OK, I'm only full of a little bit of cheese. We are all really excited though.

to change the subject.

The rooster has stopped doing his job. I guess that 8 hens were overwhelming to him. I guess anyway. I checked some eggs today and nope. They were not fertile.

I'm not sure what to do.

He has also started crowing like he is going hoarse. It is strange sounding. Maybe the 2 things are related?

I've been making fruit leather like it's going out of style with my brand new to me dehydrator! But! My kids have been eating it nearly as fast as I've been making it.

Also I think I need to cut the sugar down. I didn't put much in, just enough to cut the sourness, but I think it needs less.

Sunshine almost always makes me high. I love this song. Sorry, if you don't know what I'm talking about, one of the new songs on my blog is "sunshine on my shoulder" by John Denver. I love some of his songs.

The garden is doing well. Everything but the tomatillo volunteer is producing. I'm not sure why, but it just gets bigger and bigger and despite trimming refuses to give us any fruit.

Speaking of fruit, the blackberries are going crazy! We picked 3 times last week and each time get about a gallon of berries. I'll probably go and pick today as well and get that many. When they come on, they come ON. Hubby is looking forward to the jam.

1 comment:

just a random genius said...

Me Again, you need to update your blog! Update please please please!