Wednesday, August 06, 2008

One of those Days

Yeah, today was one of THOSE days.

I knew that C had a doctor's appointment this week some time because she needed to have her school boosters done.

Our dr's office is one of those that calls the day before an appointment. Well, I got nervous because school starts in a few weeks and we hadn't received the reminder call. I made the appointment clear back in June, so the fact that I forgot the exact date is not all that unusual.

I called this morning and had a mini heart attack when they told me that the appointment had been Monday. The nurse said I must have received a phone call reminder. Well, I didn't. If I had I would have been there at 8:30 monday morning.

So, I had to figure out when and where C would get her shots.

This whole thing ticked me off anyway because her original appointment had been in July and when I had called to see if it could be pulled in, they pushed me out because the doctor would be on vacation. OK, gee thanks.

So anyway, I tried several things including an appointment at a free back to school thing put on by SW district health the next town over. Problem was that it was the Saturday before school started. I needed the immunizations done before I could REGISTER her for school.

After exploring several options I made an appointment at hubby's work's doc in the box. It is 2 towns over (at the FAR end), but they could get us in THIS friday! YAY!

So I ran the immunization record down to our regular doctor to have it updated for the appointment (I had forgotten it the last few appointments). They were able to update it while we waited. YAY!

On the way home I thought we should swing by the school for a list of school supplies. On the reader board it said that kindergarten signup had been Monday. So we missed it and didn't even know about it.

I stopped by the office and got the supply list and the kindergarten packet.

I got home and started filling things out.

One thing I needed was a proof of address like a utility bill.

We don't have a natural gas hook up out here so that was out of the question. Our electricity (what they suggested) was online. So we don't have a bill. So I called the customer service line and they said that because it was all done online they don't even generate a printable bill. The guy offered to send me a screen shot of the bill and send it to me.

I said sure. But what he sent me could in no way be used to prove that we live where we say we do. It doesn't even look like it was sent by them.

So a panicked call to the school later and I was searching for our garbage bill. I just hope that works. If not I threw in a few doctor bills, stuff from the government, the bank statement. Stuff like that. Something has got to work. Maybe the sheer quantity of stuff coming to our address for me will work.

So anyway I got through that stuff and the next thing is birth certificate. I look through the safe. It wasn't there. So I went through it again. Not there. I called hubby and he said it's got to be in the safe. So I went through it again.

Then I went through the entire house. Anything that had bits of paperwork, anything that was sentimental that it could have been tucked into.


Not there.

Some time during this search I thought, maybe I could go pick up another copy of it at city hall.


They closed the customer service desk in 2004. The only way to get a copy is to mail in for one, or fax in for one. The problem with both is that it takes a LONG time. We're talking weeks and weeks.

But they did contract with a company who could take and process your order online for an additional 10.50 .

so the gov't wants $13 and the service wants $10.50 . It costs $23.50 for a copy of a birth certificate.

Needless to say I threw up a little in my mouth as I typed in my credit card number.

There are no words.

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