Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Busy Busy

There is so much going on!

The garden has really started producing. We have been spoiled with yellow zucchini, onions, shallots, tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, rosemary, thyme, potatoes, and all sorts of berries! Strawberries, yellow raspberries, and marionberries that are all so yummy!

And then at Mom and Dad's place there are red raspberries, blackberries, and the fruit trees are going crazy! About 2 weeks ago was the apricot harvest and just this morning I cleaned off most of a peach tree.

There is still a lot of fruit to come. There are 2 more peach trees, and a nectarine tree to go. The grapes are coming! As well as the pears and apples. I'm just trying to keep up.

I had thought I would buy a fruit dehydrator and make all sorts of fruit leather, but they are unexpectedly expensive. So instead of paying to much in haste, I'm going to process and freeze the fruit so that as soon as I have one I'll be able to dry it.

I'm hoping a good deal will come along soon because I would like to dry fruit and veggie slices for snacking.

My sister and her family will be coming to live at Mom and Dad's house in about 2 weeks. That should be fun. As long as we don't grate on each other's nerves and end up hating each other. But I'm sure that won't happen :)

The sheep are doing well. They are at Mom and Dad's and are basically worry free right now. Thank goodness.

The chickens are fine and the baby chicks will soon be laying. Any week for some, and any day for others.

The rooster has decided to man up and very nicely fertilized some eggs for the incubator.

I collected 16 and they are on day 2. This will take 21 days so they will hatch the week after school starts.

Also, once the silkie goes broody again (any day now!) I'll put some eggs under her.

Somehow we will have baby chicks around here.

Speaking of school - the fact that C will be starting kindergarten is freaking me out!

But enough of that.

We have 2 new occupants of the pasture. Two Jersey steers. They are just months old and super adoreable. I'm trying not to learn their names and not get attached. If I get to attached then it will take me anywhere from 6 months to a year to be able to eat them. At least, that is how long it took for me with the turkeys.

We'll fatten them up for around 2 years and then put one in the freezer and sell the other to pay for expenses. If it went well, we would buy another 2.

I have to say that I'm totally impressed with out pasture animals. Every one of them has a purpose. A clear purpose. Eggs, meat, and wool. YAY!

I'm thinking about going the midwife path for my girly doctor. I'm still debating over that.

Well, enough for now. I've got 2 boxes of peaches waiting for me in the other room and I've promised hubby that I would make bread this week. The kitchen is clean (mopped yesterday!) so I guess I can't put it off any longer.

1 comment:

grandma w. said...

Megan, you might try picking the peaches, pears and nectarines while they're still green to protect them from the birds. If you pick it like the orchards do, you might be able to save some of it. Also the pears need to be picked green anyway, covered with a blanket or newspaper and then it will ripen in the box. Hope that makes sense. :*) Mom