Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Nobody Likes Me, Everybody hates me

Guess I'll go eat worms!

I've e-mailed several people and had no responses. I think I'm developing a complex!

If you happen to have received a plea for help from a somewhat random person that you sort of met one time at Lon's in Provo, please answer their e-mail. The dang family website needs your help!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Primary wipes me out


We rotate conducting and sharing time. Every 3rd month I conduct, Every 3rd month I do sharing time, and then I get a month free.

This month I've been doing sharing time. I show up 30 minutes before church to help set up the primary room, and get everything out for my lesson. Then I get to enjoy Sacrament meeting. Then comes 2 hours of primary. We do opening exercises first, until 2:40, in the chapel. then we send the sr. primary to class, and the jr. primary to the primary room for sharing time. Then at 3:20 we do a switcheroo.

By the time its all over I'm ready to take a nap or something. Yesterday, I helped put everything away in the primary room, and then went out to the foyer where Hubby and C and A were waiting. I sat on the couch and couldn't find the motivation to get up and go out to the car. It took at least 5 minutes and a fruit snack for me to get moving again :) Then when we got home, hubby said he had a headache, so I made dinner, we ate, and after a plethura of chocolate, I came out of my tired place.

I can't wait for next month. It's my free month. I plan to enjoy! Also, I think I'll find ways to help the other women in any way I can so that they don't get wiped out.

Well healthwise, I've developed - well - something under my left eye. It's a series of red bumps. One day I think it's gone, and the next its inflamed again. At first I thought it might be skin cancer because my dad gets spots on his face that he has to get frozen off. But he said that when you touch a spot of skin cancer it burns like crazy. This doesn't. It is just sore. It's not pinkeye. My eye is not pink at all. My sister suggested it might be a allergic reaction to something. she said try Cortizone. I've tried that, somewhat irregularly. I can't tell if it has helped at all.

I'm thinking about going to the doctor. Problem is I don't really have a regular doctor. just an OBGYN. We do go to a big building full of doctors for the kids pediatrician. I could go to a GP there. But I hate going to the doctor when its not necessary. Not worth $20 for them to say It will clear up on it's own. It hasn't cleared up on its own for about a month now. I'm not sure what do do.

Any ideas?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

This looked fun

Found this in one of the blogs I read.

ten random things about me:
1. Maturity-wise I feel about 18, even though I'm well into my 20's
2. I have a weird lump on my foot.
3. I'm 5'6" and always wanted to be taller. But it was for the best. Hubby is 5'8".
4. I'm currently crocheting my way through a baby blanket pattern book.
5. I'm trying to find a market to sell my blankets.
6. Hubby doesn't like the way I drive, yet it was the first thing he ever complimented me on. It was the night he first asked me out though...
7. I'm about to crochet my second BYU themed blanket. On a baby blanket!
8. I haven't been to one of my hubby's softball games this year. You try chasing a 2 year old around for 1 1/2 hours. Its horrible. Did that last year. No thanks.
9. I don't drink enough water and am secretly scared that I'm going to be sick because of it.
10. I'm fat

nine places I've visited:
1. Hermosillo, Mexico
2. Canon Beach Oregon
3. Pheonix Arizona
4. Manti Utah
5. Payette Idaho
6. West Yellowstone Idaho
7. Idaho Falls Idaho
8. Salt Lake City Utah
9. Boring Oregon (seriously! They even have "The Boring Burger"

eight things I want to do before I die:
1. Have grandkids!
2. Be successful in some sort of stay at home buisiness that doesn't involve a pyramid scheme of some sort
3. Help my children gain strong testimonies.
4. See my children meet their true loves and marry.
5. Be a good parent
6. Be a good helper with school work.
7. Be a good wife!
8. Have a huge garden!

seven ways to win my heart: (Hubby! Please read!)
1. a back massage
2. A foot massage
3. A back scratch
4. comb my hair
5 hold my hand
6. change some diapers
7. make dinner

and just a note. Hubby does this well. He is always helping me with #6 & 7, but if I could have my perfect world I would have to do less of them. :)

six things I believe in:
1. The church
2. That the Lord loves all of us. Even if we're 3 year old kids who are pests and won't sit down or be still during sharing time.
3. There is no baby cuter than A, and when C was a baby, she was the cutest. Now she is the cutest toddler :)
4. I love my hubby
5. you have to really love soccer to watch a game in spanish (when you barely know any words in spanish)
6. The best invention was a car adapter that allows you to watch movies/play games using your car's power. I don't know if those dvd players use it, but our little tv/vcr combo does and it's great. As long as you don't mind listening to 5 hours of the Bear in the Big Blue house potty video.

five things I'm afraid of:
1. Spiders
2. The unknown.
3. burglary
4. falling down (the reason I really can't skate or ice skate)
5. the scale

four of my favorite items in my room:
1. Any of my books by Clair Poulson
2. the Mrs. Pacman console (Mappy!!!)
3. Any of my books by Betsy Brannon Green
4. all of my books!

three things I do everyday:
1. Change at least 2-3 diapers
2. Make at least 2 meals (as long as cereal counts)
3. Kiss my hubby

two things I'm trying to do right now:
1. Trying to finish this list so that I can hold A
2. Listening to a soccer game in Spanish that hubby is watching :)

one person I want to see right now:
1. Love to see my Mom. She is C's absolutely favorite person.

Monday, July 11, 2005

The Opposite Sex

So I'm watching a June Allyson film called "The Opposite Sex" on TCM. About 30 minutes into the show I realize that I'm watching a remake of a film I saw just last week - "The Women" - on TCM. How's that for coincidences? The worst part is that I still watched the whole thing. There was nothing on, and the baby was taking a nap on my lap. I didn't want to disturb her, and I had to watch something. but it was mildly entertaining. :)

"The Secret of the Old Clock" is coming out tomorrow. From www.herinteractive.com . It is a Nancy Drew computer game.

I was a huge fan of the Nancy Drew series when I was a kid. So these computer games are a great way to relive my childhood :)

This company publishes 2 games a year. I usually buy them as soon as humanly possible. but this time, even though I would like to, I'm not sure I even have time to play it if I were to buy it. We'll see.

C is now mostly potty trained. She finally got it while we were in Utah for a family reunion. The thing that did it for her was being able to use a big girls toilet. Go figure. We're still working on the poop thing. I think that's because she has a hard time sitting for very long on a toilet. And she doesn't relax enough. both of these things are necessary for pooping. I'm toying with the idea of reintroducing the potty chair. I don't want to go backwords though. I'm sure we'll figure it out. Right now she usually waits until she has a pull-up on.

A is almost crawling. she mostly goes backwards, but is slowly figuring out going forward. She crawls "catapiller style". She gets up on her knees and then lays down. This pushes her forward about 4 inches at a time. Occasionally she will roll. she's in the experimental stage :)

Oh, and I just wanted to say "Bernard for Heisman!"

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Man I am a whiner

I have to clean the house today


I don't like cleaning the house. Its a pain with 2 kids. Spend 30 minutes on the kitchen, and A has no patience left. So now I'm a slave to her crankiness. So where's my break? Where's my reward for cleaning? A cranky baby who wants to be held or just played with.


Oh well. That's life I guess.

so hubby and I have been thinking about buying a larger piece of property. About 1-2 acres. We want to have a huge garden and some fruit trees. I want a small green house and he wants a shop for his tools, etc.

Well, the company he works for has just announced that next year they will be expanding into China.

It didn't occur to me until he mentioned it, but there is a possibility that his job could go to someone in China.

I really would like to think that this company wouldn't do that. It is a local company, that has been around 25+ years. I used to work there before I had C. It doesn't seem like something they would do.

but the possibility is there.

so we're holding off.

We weren't looking to spend lots of money, but we would be increasing our mortgage.

We're still keeping an eye out for a piece of property to build on. If the right one comes along, we'll look. But most likely, we're in this house and neighborhood for the next 2 years at least.

Halfway house update!

I thought a while ago it wasn't happening, but I was wrong. Its still there. In fact, I found out on Sunday that it has it's first resident. Our own resident ex-con. He served time for grand theft. Lock those doors and cars!!!

Speaking of ex-con's I've found out more info about my sister's ex-con boyfriend. Leadro is on the run. Recently we learned that the reason he cannot use his real name and social is because he skipped out on his parole. How stupid is that? You only have to check in with someone and you skip out?

Stupid stupid stupid.

Monday, July 04, 2005


create your own personalized map of the USA

Here are the states I've visited. I've also been to Mexico, but this map wouldn't let me do countries too.

I've never been on a plane. Yes, I know at my age that is somewhat unique. I've always traveled in a car. I've never even had the option. When I was a kid, we were to poor to fly 10 kids anywhere, and utah - where both sets of grandparents, and a good deal of the aunts and uncles were - was a 1/2 day drive. Much cheaper to drive.

As an adult, we've never gone so far that we even considered flying.

The furthest my husband and I have gone was the coast. About 11 hours away. We went in order to be at my sisters wedding at the Portland temple. Then we had a week of fun at the coast. C was only about 18 months.

Anyway, that is the strange fact I share about myself this morning.

Happy 4th of July everyone!

I pity the fool who has to work today!