Monday, July 18, 2005

Primary wipes me out


We rotate conducting and sharing time. Every 3rd month I conduct, Every 3rd month I do sharing time, and then I get a month free.

This month I've been doing sharing time. I show up 30 minutes before church to help set up the primary room, and get everything out for my lesson. Then I get to enjoy Sacrament meeting. Then comes 2 hours of primary. We do opening exercises first, until 2:40, in the chapel. then we send the sr. primary to class, and the jr. primary to the primary room for sharing time. Then at 3:20 we do a switcheroo.

By the time its all over I'm ready to take a nap or something. Yesterday, I helped put everything away in the primary room, and then went out to the foyer where Hubby and C and A were waiting. I sat on the couch and couldn't find the motivation to get up and go out to the car. It took at least 5 minutes and a fruit snack for me to get moving again :) Then when we got home, hubby said he had a headache, so I made dinner, we ate, and after a plethura of chocolate, I came out of my tired place.

I can't wait for next month. It's my free month. I plan to enjoy! Also, I think I'll find ways to help the other women in any way I can so that they don't get wiped out.

Well healthwise, I've developed - well - something under my left eye. It's a series of red bumps. One day I think it's gone, and the next its inflamed again. At first I thought it might be skin cancer because my dad gets spots on his face that he has to get frozen off. But he said that when you touch a spot of skin cancer it burns like crazy. This doesn't. It is just sore. It's not pinkeye. My eye is not pink at all. My sister suggested it might be a allergic reaction to something. she said try Cortizone. I've tried that, somewhat irregularly. I can't tell if it has helped at all.

I'm thinking about going to the doctor. Problem is I don't really have a regular doctor. just an OBGYN. We do go to a big building full of doctors for the kids pediatrician. I could go to a GP there. But I hate going to the doctor when its not necessary. Not worth $20 for them to say It will clear up on it's own. It hasn't cleared up on its own for about a month now. I'm not sure what do do.

Any ideas?

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