Monday, July 04, 2005


create your own personalized map of the USA

Here are the states I've visited. I've also been to Mexico, but this map wouldn't let me do countries too.

I've never been on a plane. Yes, I know at my age that is somewhat unique. I've always traveled in a car. I've never even had the option. When I was a kid, we were to poor to fly 10 kids anywhere, and utah - where both sets of grandparents, and a good deal of the aunts and uncles were - was a 1/2 day drive. Much cheaper to drive.

As an adult, we've never gone so far that we even considered flying.

The furthest my husband and I have gone was the coast. About 11 hours away. We went in order to be at my sisters wedding at the Portland temple. Then we had a week of fun at the coast. C was only about 18 months.

Anyway, that is the strange fact I share about myself this morning.

Happy 4th of July everyone!

I pity the fool who has to work today!

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