Monday, July 11, 2005

The Opposite Sex

So I'm watching a June Allyson film called "The Opposite Sex" on TCM. About 30 minutes into the show I realize that I'm watching a remake of a film I saw just last week - "The Women" - on TCM. How's that for coincidences? The worst part is that I still watched the whole thing. There was nothing on, and the baby was taking a nap on my lap. I didn't want to disturb her, and I had to watch something. but it was mildly entertaining. :)

"The Secret of the Old Clock" is coming out tomorrow. From . It is a Nancy Drew computer game.

I was a huge fan of the Nancy Drew series when I was a kid. So these computer games are a great way to relive my childhood :)

This company publishes 2 games a year. I usually buy them as soon as humanly possible. but this time, even though I would like to, I'm not sure I even have time to play it if I were to buy it. We'll see.

C is now mostly potty trained. She finally got it while we were in Utah for a family reunion. The thing that did it for her was being able to use a big girls toilet. Go figure. We're still working on the poop thing. I think that's because she has a hard time sitting for very long on a toilet. And she doesn't relax enough. both of these things are necessary for pooping. I'm toying with the idea of reintroducing the potty chair. I don't want to go backwords though. I'm sure we'll figure it out. Right now she usually waits until she has a pull-up on.

A is almost crawling. she mostly goes backwards, but is slowly figuring out going forward. She crawls "catapiller style". She gets up on her knees and then lays down. This pushes her forward about 4 inches at a time. Occasionally she will roll. she's in the experimental stage :)

Oh, and I just wanted to say "Bernard for Heisman!"

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