Thursday, August 18, 2005

the dog(s)?

So last Saturday night I stayed up until 2am working on a project for Primary. chair covers.

I haven't been up that late for a while. I was tired and a little punchy. Well, I went downstairs, and got ready for bed. It took me forever to relax to the point where I might fall asleep. All of a sudden there is a "whumpa whumpa whumpa and then what sounded like our back gate opening and closing really fast.

That freaked me out. My first thought was that someone had run down the side of our house, went through the gate, and was now in the back yard. So of course I had to go to the back door and peak out. I looked and looked, and finally put the back porch light on. I didn't see a thing.

I got back into bed. I was freaked and didn't want to go to bed with potential robbers trying to get into the house.

Then there was more commotion at the side of the house (which by the way was right next to my head because of where our bedroom and bed are situated)

Then there were more running sounds and a crashing sort of sound, then a high pitched, noise. I woke up my husband in a panic.

He agreed that there were some strange noises coming from the side of the house. He thought it sounded like a dog whining. We both went to a window or door to look out. Neither of us saw a thing. But the high sound was still coming from the side of the house.

So we think that it was most likely a dog whining. There are some dogs in the house behind ours. So the thinking is that some dog was in heat, another dog tried to jump our fence to get to the dog and hit the fence instead.

So somewhere around our neighborhood a dog owner is trying to figure out where his dog got hurt.

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