Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The toilet... again

So C tells me she has to go poo poos. So I tell her to go sit on the potty. She has done this before with no problems. She was starting to grunt, and I urged her to go in again. She went into the bathroom and I heard her moving around. She's done this plenty of times before with potty, so I thought she made it onto the potty. Hubby goes into check on her. I hear a horrified "Oh NO!!!"

C had pooped in her panties, and pottied. The potty was all over her and the floor. The poop seemed to be contained in her panties. Hubby was able to get her out of those. Whats funny is that when she sees the poop she panics and wants out of them as soon as possible. So here's how it went down. Hubby gingerly grabs the panties and stretches the leg holes so that she can easily get her legs out. She pulls one leg out and then sees the poop. She couldn't get away from it fast enough. Unfortunately for hubby, one of her legs was still in the panties.


You guessed it. A nice big pile of poop on the floor. Fairly contained. A lot of it too. Imagine a medium sized, somewhat slushy, snow ball and picture it dropped on the floor. That is about what this looked like. Anyway, hubby grabs the panties, grabs some more dirty clothes, and puts it all in the washing mashine for a wash. In the meantime I get to mop up potty and poop and give the kid a bath. Why Oh why?

I love the fact that hubby helps so much around the house, but when it comes to the kids, sometimes I feel like I'm the only show in town.


Anyway, it all cleaned up well, and I can't wait to clean that floor like crazy. YUCK!

We went out to my parents new place tonight. They have 2 horses, 3 goats, and 2 bunnies that they "inherited" from my brother and his family. C is thrilled because she got to pet the goats and help feed the horses carrots. She loved picking and eating blackberries also. What she didnt' like was when she walked to close to some rose bushes and they kept grabbing her clothes. She would panic and start crying. So I would help her get untangled. She did it two different times. She also fed some bread to the bunnies. I doubt they will eat it, but she had fun!

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