Sunday, August 21, 2005

Bad Dream

I just had a really bad dream.

I was staying on the coast, in a little town where my family would vacation while we were growing up.

Someone I knew came and got me. They took me to one of the houses that we would vacation at. Although I didn't recognize it. We had a conversation as we walked over about how it would be nice for me to be able to vacation there again.

Turns out this lady was from another branch of the family. These were all people I didn't know. As soon as I arrived I remembered that I had left my kids at the motel.

I couldn't believe that I had forgotten about them, but since it was around 6pm, maybe they were sleeping? Then I remembered that I had been engrossed in a book all day and must have forgotten about them.

The person that brought me over, wanted me to meet everyone before I left. I agreed, but was in a hurry. I met about half before I just said I had to go.

As I was leaving the house, Somehow it was a motel or something? Anyway I saw C sitting on the floor playing with another little girl. I was surprised and then all of a sudden She was 50 feet away and in the middle of me and this other lady who was claiming to be her mommy. I yelled at the lady that she was my child and then she said that she was hers. C of course came when I called for her. the lady said something like oh well and ran away.

Then somehow she had a guy with her. I chased after them and caught the guy. All of a sudden my hubby was there and I was yelling at him to call the police on a cell phone. He was trying, but kept saying stuff about the service. I was pleading with someone to call the police as I sat on this guy and wouldn't let him up. Then I realized that I didn't know where A was.

the guy said that they had done a little number on A. I don't know what that meant but I couldn't leave to go look in the motel room for her fast enough. I told hubby to sit on the guy and not to let him go. Hubby wasn't taking me seriously. Not until I told him to sit on him again.

Then I was looking for my key, I asked a employee who was right there if they had extra keys. They did, but I didn't know my room number. Finally I grabbed hubby's bag and took his.

I didn't get to my room before I woke up.

When I woke up, I was so disturbed. I thought I heard noises in the kids bedrooms, and had to go make sure they were ok.

They were.

Of course I can't imagine going back to bed. I'm too worked up.

A will wake up in about an hour.

I should probably go and lay down though. Otherwise today will kill me.

I hate dreams like this.

Why am I so paranoid?

About 9 months ago someone broke the window out of our car and stole some things from inside it.

Right before I fell asleep last night I was thinking about how we had left a portable television in the trunk of our car that was sitting in the driveway.

About 5 hours before bed someone doorbell ditched us. I think anyway. I was kind of slow getting to the door (thought it was a salesman) so maybe they just left. But when I went outside I didn't see anyone, and when I went to the upstairs window I didn't see anyone anywhere walking away, or to another house.

I wonder if the dream was because I still feel victimized about the window being broken out of the car thing.

Here's hoping that when we buy and build on that acre, that I'll feel somewhat safe. (crossing my fingers). The acre wouldn't be on a street. Its off of a back street, behind another house. People would see this other house, then walk down the lane, see ours, walk down the lane a bit more, and see my parents. I want to build the house in such a way that its not easy to pick it out as new(new means rich to some people) We want a nice country style laid back house. But one that will match with the other two homes near it. They both have a pinkish brick outside. I wonder how expensive brick is? That's the way I would love to go.

Every few months or so, in our neighborhood, we have a rash of those car burglaries. So can you blame me for being paranoid?

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