Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Happy... something or other!

Our black silkie laid its first eggs in the past few days. Hooray!

We had a steady snowstorm going all day yesterday. So I was only a little surprised that we didn't get any eggs today. But I wanted to make sure so I opened the side of the hen house (hubby was thinking ahead for easy cleaning!) and took a look.

I was so surprised to find an egg in the main area near the corner. Also I found that I had overlooked an egg in the main nest that all the hens like. She was making an awful lot of noise in the hen house on Sunday, so I think that was when she laid the first one. Then after figuring out what was happening she then decided that she needed to be like the other hens and lay in the nest.

So that was our exciting day!

I've also just put some poopy and dirty sheeps wool in to wash. It actually looked like good stuff. Just the muddy brown that most wool looks like unwashed. I think it may have been the cleanest stuff I've had to wash though.

My spinning wheel is so fast that I've spun through all of my fiber except for a grocery bag that is half full of wool I may keep for needle felting. There isn't enough of each color to spin, though I might if I don't use it in the next little while.

I've also decided that I like dying unspun wool better than spun wool. If you dye before spinning, its a whole lot easier to blend the fiber and cover up any uneven dying.

So, back to the snow. On Sunday we received around an inch, maybe 1 1/2 inches. Yesterday we received more. I think its around 6 inches, but I'm just guessing.

We're trying to eat healthier, but its been hard for me. Since Christmas we've been eating all sorts of junk food and candy. The hard part for me is going from a bunch of chocolate to no hard candy. But we're trying. Since Sunday I've cut back from a whole heck of a lot to today where I've had (so far) 2 mini butterfingers, and its already dinner time. There aren't any more of the mini butterfingers though, so they won't be calling to me from the cupboard!

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