Friday, January 11, 2008


I wish people whose blogs I read would avoid the political discussion/rants.

The reason being is this.

I am innocently reading some of the blogs I read regularly and all of a sudden I'm disgusted because that person is pro the weirdest guy running and on another blog there is someone saying they would never vote for some guy who I was thinking of voting for.

Neither one with plausible arguments. And it tells me something about some of my favorite bloggers that I maybe didn't want to know.

Anyway, it shouldn't matter to me this much except that I guess maybe I read those blogs for fun and bringing up politics makes things sticky and makes people take sides.

So don't do it!



Anonymous said...

Hi! Found you through, and found her through Mormon Mommy Wars.

This post caught my eye, because I'm guilty of inserting a random political moment into my otherwise non-political blog :-) BUT I was basically saying that I realized I don't know enough about politics and I need to get on the ball.

I had to laugh at this post, though, because I *bet* I know some of the blogs you're talking about! :-D


i i eee said...

Well it's their blog, and they'll politically diatribe if they want to. ;)

I agree though that I see some basing their support on nothing of substance. More just the guy who talks the prettiest.

I found your blog after you left a comment on Cicada's blog -but I saw that you had deleted it. I don't know why you deleted it, but it's 100% true. I have to say, as sad and lonely as it is, I'd rather be single than in a relationship that just is downright crappy. But I suppose not everyone feels that way. I'm actually pretty good at being single...but it's probably a talent not everyone was blessed with. Le sigh.