Sunday, July 27, 2008

Church, insurance, new doctors, & pregnancy

So today in church I was helping out in the nursery again. Its the 3rd week in a row that I've subbed. Anyway we had a girl who was visiting who had been there before. she normally has behavioral problems like bullying.

Today, she was throwing a fit. The "Mom don't leave me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" kind of fit that was unusual for her.

Well, her Mom stayed with her for the first hour, and unsuccessfully tried to leave. She ended up going with her mom to class.

She came in again with another Mom (not hers) who successfully was able to sit her down to snack, and then leave.

After snack, we moved to coloring. This girl calmly got up, walked to the door and tried to get out. She was able to turn the handle of the door despite the child proof knob.

I was keeping an eye on her. As soon as it became apparent that she would be able to turn the handle I walked quickly over to her. But I wasn't quick enough.

She was out like a shot and even tried to shut the door in my face. I chased her down the hall, down another another hall and then into the chapel where the priesthood was meeting. did I mention that she was screaming the whole way?

She collapsed in the back of the chapel where I finally caught up to her. She was a dead weight on the floor and so with the entire priesthood watching, picked her up and carried her to the foyer. Did I mention she was screaming?

In the foyer I was able to talk to her and tell her I would take her to her mom. I had her walking reverently and holding my hand (yes still screaming) when her sister runs out of her class and grabs her. the screaming escalated and ended with me escorting both of them to the relief society room where she was reunited with her Mom.

The other nursery leader and I had a good laugh about it when I got back. I just decided it wasn't a big deal and nothing to be embarrassed about. I mean, what could I have done about it?

Later while taking another child to the bathroom, we saw her with her mom in the mothers room. Quite calm. I'm not sure what the deal with her was today. But sometimes you just don't know what is going on in these kids lives. different things will make them act out or act differently. Heck, she could have just been tired.

On to other subjects.

I'm having a meet and greet with a new doctor tomorrow. Since our insurance is changing to a most hideous new company, I have to find a new OBGYN and go to a different hospital.

They have this layered network thing. Basically the best layer has 6 doctors to choose from. Yes, 6 doctors for a whopping 10,000 or so employees. Granted, these employees aren't all women having babies, but those who aren't to old or done having babies have wives who are having babies.

At first I was thinking I didn't want to fight for a doctor and would just pay 10% more for treatment. Then I was like, why not? Why should I have to pay more ?
lets at least try it.

Well, new patient appointments are hard to come by. My appointment is September 30th. With a doctor I have never heard of. The nice thing about it is that the 6 doctors in the best layer of the network are with this hospitals womens group office. My last doctor was in his hospitals womens group office. So that makes me feel better. That, and the fact that I get to meet her tomorrow.

The other thing that is different with this office is that most of the doctors are female (5 to 1). In my last office most were male, including mine.

So that will be something to get used to.

Anyway, no, we are NOT pregnant as far as we know. We are trying however.

The doctor who did my ectopic surgery said that because of the ectopic pregnancy I would probably need to have an ultrasound early in the pregnancy to verify that it was a normal pregnancy.

I'm not sure how that will happen when the earliest appointment (for a new patient) is SEPTEMBER 30th!!!

But I'm trying not to think about that and hoping that at the meet and greet the new doctor will try and squeeze me in sooner.

Friday, July 25, 2008


So the other day C and I were sitting inside watching a show while A was playing on the back porch.

Then C looks out the window and says "Uh oh. A is going potty outside again"

I didn't believe her. A hasn't had any potty training related problems in almost a year.

So I got up, looked out the window and about keeled over from shock.

My sweet 3 year old had taken her shorts and underwear off and was standing in a large blue laundry bucket that we also use for dirty wool washing water. That was why it was outside. I had emptied dirty water out of it and hadn't brought it inside.

Anyway, she had just finished using the bathroom in it!!!! UGH!!!!!!!

Needless to say I yelled "What are you doing?" to her as I opened the back door. She got out of the bucket and I brought her over to the hose where I hosed her off as punishment. Unfortunately this backfired as she enjoyed the cold water on a hot day.

Next came the standard punishment that she hates. I sent her to her room. She went in and bounced out again 30 seconds later saying she needed to go poo poos. Ugh. I'm just happy that didn't happen in the bucket.

And then, I'm thinking about what C said. She said "Again". Are you kidding me? This has happened before? YUCK! After questioning C about it, I'm not sure if it has happened before. I'll hold on to that hope.

I'm mortified. Where does she get these ideas? And why didn't she just come inside to use the potty?

I just don't understand this kid sometimes.

I'm simply recording this story so that I can share it with her in her later years. Maybe at her wedding reception, or at the Fast and Testimony meeting when her first born is being blessed.

What do you think? Maybe I could share it at her graduation instead.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Swimming Lessons

C and A had swimming lessons for the past 2 weeks. They had a lot of fun and enjoyed it for the most part.

C was really good. Doing Bobs and blowing bubbles. She obeyed the teacher very well.

A on the other hand was a pill. She did well for the first week and then on the following Monday decided she didn't want anything to do with it. Luckily I had discovered her weakness. Gum.

So I smartened up and started bringing it with me. The first day she decided she didn't want to swim, the bribe of gum didn't work. But the next day when I physically had the gum with me, she went right in. But I did have to threaten the hour of hair brushing that is usually only hubby's threat. I think its mean. but it sure is an effective threat!

Anyway, anytime after that, as long as I physically had gum, she would go right back in to the water.

One thing I've learned. When she felt forced, like she had no choice, she was stuck in "I don't want to!" mode. When I let go and just let it be her decision (no dragging her to the side of the pool or making her stand in the foot deep water) And using bribes she was much more receptive.

Aren't kids fun!

In other news, the baby chicken is still residing outside the coup and I'm sick of trying to catch it. I've decided that the only chicks I want to have are the ones I raise. Those chicks are scared of being outside the coup.

So I'm looking into my options. But I do have an incubator (borrowed) sitting in my laundry room....

Friday, July 18, 2008

Oh my

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The story of the chicken chase

So I saw this ad on Craigslist and called the lady. she said that she had 7 free chicks if you were willing to catch them.

So I grabbed a few extra neighbors kids and told 'em I'd pay .25 per chick caught. I wanted to pay more, but their mom insisted that this was all it was worth.

We all crammed into the car and drove clear over to Kuna. Well we were in for a surprise. The chicks that we supposed would be somewhat corralled, were in the middle of a horse shelter in the middle of a field covered in fresh horse poop. for some reason the kids wouldn't listen to me when I said we should approach cautiously.

As soon as those chicks saw the kids running at them, they took off. I would have too!

We chased them all over about an acre of land. Through fences, into the hen house, over hill, over dale, and through a few trucks and trailers.

The momma chicken wasn't all that pleased and was squawking up a storm.

After about 45 minutes we were all pooped. It was about 95 degrees out there.

We had caught one solitary chick. We called it good and loaded into the car and headed for Arctic Circle which was just down the street. We were parched.

We all ordered large ice waters and ice cream cones.

We drove home with the windows down and then after a while we rolled them up and cranked the A/C.

We dropped off the extra kids and then headed home. The chick joined the hen house and I soaked myself with the hose while the kids stared in confusion. I guess they don't think Mommy likes to get wet?

Later, I went to put food in the hen house. Imagine my horror when the chick flew past me and out the door.

Yeah. One of those days.

I do have to admit that tonight I noticed it hanging out around the hen house (YAY!) and looking in longingly. I'll go and try to herd it in after the other hens are asleep.

Also the lady with the free chicks is going to try and round them up tonight while they are sleeping.

We'll see.

After paying the kids for their efforts (the prices went up as we all got hotter) and paying for Arctic Circle, my total output was around $9. For one chick. Pretty darn expensive chick is all I can say. And I didn't even add in the price of gas to get there.

One of THOSE days

yesterday was a crazy day.

It started out as usual. The kids always have to catch Curious George on PBS. About 10 minutes into it the power went out. This upset C very much because George was about to get into trouble as usual. she even pulled out the tears. I couldn't convince her that I had no power over the power. I finally had to tell her that she could go ahead and cry. I couldn't change things.

During this, I was on pins and needles over a milk order delivery. Our ward and some others in the area had gotten together to order a large amount of Country Cream Milk. It was coming in yesterday morning and hubby was supposed to pick it up.

I couldn't call him to see if it had actually arrived, and he couldn't call me to update me.

He arrived with the milk about an hour or so later. The power was still off so we manually opened the garage door. The truck with the milk went inside and he went back to work.

I had seen an ad on Craigslist for some chicks that were free if you could catch them. So I needed to clean out the hen house. So we cleaned out the hen house until it was time to go to swimming lessons. We barely made it on time.

A has been having problems with wanting to stay in the water and had to be bribed with gum (her new obsession) and threatened with hair brushing for an hour. Yes it worked. And yes I feel bad having to use both. But she stayed in the pool and participated. That was all I asked.

After lessons we stayed around for lunch in the park (free to the kids) and then borrowed a friends 2 kids and drove over to the chick place.

We were very unpleasantly surprised to find that catching the chicks involved a field with horses, a horse shelter full of poop, many broken down and burned out vehicles, a chicken house, and lots and lots of running. We chased the chickens around and around about an 1/2 acre of land.

After about 45 minutes we were all exhausted and only had one chick for our efforts. We gave up and went straight to Arctic Circle for Ice waters and ice cream cones all around.

The lady assured us that she would try and capture them again that night. I'll call her in a little while and see if it worked.

After we dropped the friends kids at their house we went home. The new chick went into the hen house and I hosed myself off. The kids didn't want to get wet and seemed surprised that I wanted to. I guess they haven't seen me run through the sprinkler for a while.

Later, I went out to feed the chickens. Imagine my horror when the new chick flew up and past my head to freedom.

Thank goodness hubby helped me laugh about it. It was a pretty funny story when you thought about it.

What a day! The chick seems to be hanging out around the hen house today so maybe she'll return to the pack. But I assure you that we will be clipping her wings if I do ever catch her again.

Notice the assumption of her. I think it may be more of a hope than a reality. We'll see. Of course if I never catch her again, it won't matter.

yesterday evening was spent helping people load up their milk orders and then later hubby delivered some to people in our ward.

What a day!

Sunday, July 06, 2008