Wednesday, July 16, 2008

One of THOSE days

yesterday was a crazy day.

It started out as usual. The kids always have to catch Curious George on PBS. About 10 minutes into it the power went out. This upset C very much because George was about to get into trouble as usual. she even pulled out the tears. I couldn't convince her that I had no power over the power. I finally had to tell her that she could go ahead and cry. I couldn't change things.

During this, I was on pins and needles over a milk order delivery. Our ward and some others in the area had gotten together to order a large amount of Country Cream Milk. It was coming in yesterday morning and hubby was supposed to pick it up.

I couldn't call him to see if it had actually arrived, and he couldn't call me to update me.

He arrived with the milk about an hour or so later. The power was still off so we manually opened the garage door. The truck with the milk went inside and he went back to work.

I had seen an ad on Craigslist for some chicks that were free if you could catch them. So I needed to clean out the hen house. So we cleaned out the hen house until it was time to go to swimming lessons. We barely made it on time.

A has been having problems with wanting to stay in the water and had to be bribed with gum (her new obsession) and threatened with hair brushing for an hour. Yes it worked. And yes I feel bad having to use both. But she stayed in the pool and participated. That was all I asked.

After lessons we stayed around for lunch in the park (free to the kids) and then borrowed a friends 2 kids and drove over to the chick place.

We were very unpleasantly surprised to find that catching the chicks involved a field with horses, a horse shelter full of poop, many broken down and burned out vehicles, a chicken house, and lots and lots of running. We chased the chickens around and around about an 1/2 acre of land.

After about 45 minutes we were all exhausted and only had one chick for our efforts. We gave up and went straight to Arctic Circle for Ice waters and ice cream cones all around.

The lady assured us that she would try and capture them again that night. I'll call her in a little while and see if it worked.

After we dropped the friends kids at their house we went home. The new chick went into the hen house and I hosed myself off. The kids didn't want to get wet and seemed surprised that I wanted to. I guess they haven't seen me run through the sprinkler for a while.

Later, I went out to feed the chickens. Imagine my horror when the new chick flew up and past my head to freedom.

Thank goodness hubby helped me laugh about it. It was a pretty funny story when you thought about it.

What a day! The chick seems to be hanging out around the hen house today so maybe she'll return to the pack. But I assure you that we will be clipping her wings if I do ever catch her again.

Notice the assumption of her. I think it may be more of a hope than a reality. We'll see. Of course if I never catch her again, it won't matter.

yesterday evening was spent helping people load up their milk orders and then later hubby delivered some to people in our ward.

What a day!

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