Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The story of the chicken chase

So I saw this ad on Craigslist and called the lady. she said that she had 7 free chicks if you were willing to catch them.

So I grabbed a few extra neighbors kids and told 'em I'd pay .25 per chick caught. I wanted to pay more, but their mom insisted that this was all it was worth.

We all crammed into the car and drove clear over to Kuna. Well we were in for a surprise. The chicks that we supposed would be somewhat corralled, were in the middle of a horse shelter in the middle of a field covered in fresh horse poop. for some reason the kids wouldn't listen to me when I said we should approach cautiously.

As soon as those chicks saw the kids running at them, they took off. I would have too!

We chased them all over about an acre of land. Through fences, into the hen house, over hill, over dale, and through a few trucks and trailers.

The momma chicken wasn't all that pleased and was squawking up a storm.

After about 45 minutes we were all pooped. It was about 95 degrees out there.

We had caught one solitary chick. We called it good and loaded into the car and headed for Arctic Circle which was just down the street. We were parched.

We all ordered large ice waters and ice cream cones.

We drove home with the windows down and then after a while we rolled them up and cranked the A/C.

We dropped off the extra kids and then headed home. The chick joined the hen house and I soaked myself with the hose while the kids stared in confusion. I guess they don't think Mommy likes to get wet?

Later, I went to put food in the hen house. Imagine my horror when the chick flew past me and out the door.

Yeah. One of those days.

I do have to admit that tonight I noticed it hanging out around the hen house (YAY!) and looking in longingly. I'll go and try to herd it in after the other hens are asleep.

Also the lady with the free chicks is going to try and round them up tonight while they are sleeping.

We'll see.

After paying the kids for their efforts (the prices went up as we all got hotter) and paying for Arctic Circle, my total output was around $9. For one chick. Pretty darn expensive chick is all I can say. And I didn't even add in the price of gas to get there.

1 comment:

Alyson said...

that is a funny story!