Saturday, July 19, 2008

Swimming Lessons

C and A had swimming lessons for the past 2 weeks. They had a lot of fun and enjoyed it for the most part.

C was really good. Doing Bobs and blowing bubbles. She obeyed the teacher very well.

A on the other hand was a pill. She did well for the first week and then on the following Monday decided she didn't want anything to do with it. Luckily I had discovered her weakness. Gum.

So I smartened up and started bringing it with me. The first day she decided she didn't want to swim, the bribe of gum didn't work. But the next day when I physically had the gum with me, she went right in. But I did have to threaten the hour of hair brushing that is usually only hubby's threat. I think its mean. but it sure is an effective threat!

Anyway, anytime after that, as long as I physically had gum, she would go right back in to the water.

One thing I've learned. When she felt forced, like she had no choice, she was stuck in "I don't want to!" mode. When I let go and just let it be her decision (no dragging her to the side of the pool or making her stand in the foot deep water) And using bribes she was much more receptive.

Aren't kids fun!

In other news, the baby chicken is still residing outside the coup and I'm sick of trying to catch it. I've decided that the only chicks I want to have are the ones I raise. Those chicks are scared of being outside the coup.

So I'm looking into my options. But I do have an incubator (borrowed) sitting in my laundry room....

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