Friday, July 25, 2008


So the other day C and I were sitting inside watching a show while A was playing on the back porch.

Then C looks out the window and says "Uh oh. A is going potty outside again"

I didn't believe her. A hasn't had any potty training related problems in almost a year.

So I got up, looked out the window and about keeled over from shock.

My sweet 3 year old had taken her shorts and underwear off and was standing in a large blue laundry bucket that we also use for dirty wool washing water. That was why it was outside. I had emptied dirty water out of it and hadn't brought it inside.

Anyway, she had just finished using the bathroom in it!!!! UGH!!!!!!!

Needless to say I yelled "What are you doing?" to her as I opened the back door. She got out of the bucket and I brought her over to the hose where I hosed her off as punishment. Unfortunately this backfired as she enjoyed the cold water on a hot day.

Next came the standard punishment that she hates. I sent her to her room. She went in and bounced out again 30 seconds later saying she needed to go poo poos. Ugh. I'm just happy that didn't happen in the bucket.

And then, I'm thinking about what C said. She said "Again". Are you kidding me? This has happened before? YUCK! After questioning C about it, I'm not sure if it has happened before. I'll hold on to that hope.

I'm mortified. Where does she get these ideas? And why didn't she just come inside to use the potty?

I just don't understand this kid sometimes.

I'm simply recording this story so that I can share it with her in her later years. Maybe at her wedding reception, or at the Fast and Testimony meeting when her first born is being blessed.

What do you think? Maybe I could share it at her graduation instead.

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