Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I think

I think I've finally found my buisiness opportunity.

Lately I've been thinking about ways to make some extra money. Not that we need it, just that I want to feel somewhat useful and that I'm contributing something.

I've explored buying another buisiness making salsa. I've thought about launching my own web site selling crocheted items.

Then it hit me last night. I had a vague memory of reading in a Deseret Book catalog about how Mormon Handicraft was looking for crafters. Problem is that I don't remember how long ago that was.

I sent them an e-mail inquiry.

I found an article from about a year ago that stated that that they were always looking for crafters and they charged them $25 per year and paid them 70% of what their crafts brought it. That seems sort of a rip off, but I wouldn't have the cost of maintaining a web site, and I wouldn't be the only person contributing to my inventory... I'm seriously thinking about it.

More later.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Today is bath day

OK, so I hate coming up with a new title everyday.

So I was reading back through some of my blogs and I realized that there has been a ton of stuff that I haven't completely told you about.

So the first thing that comes to mind is that we have stayed with Dish Network, just upgraded to local channels. I think we may go down to the lowest package they have soon also. I just can't stomach paying that much each month.

We renegotiated the golf clubs and they turned into a laptop. Hubby finished up his class and it became apparent that he really could use a laptop. So he got it last week and has already been doing lots of programming and stuff for his current class on it. I think it has turned out to be a good decision.

We gave up on potty trainng. C never even had an accident in her potty chair so after 2 1/2 days of sitting on the potty for about 10 hours total, we decided to take a break. Maybe she's not ready yet. So I need to find situations for her to sit on the potty. Maybe right before baths while I'm bathing A. And I'll talk to her about it a lot. Yesterday I mentioned going potty on the potty chair and she changed the subject and said she was ready for bed. This doesn't happen all that often, so maybe she does remember how boring that was. :) I just hope we haven't done anything damaging. She got to watch and listen to the Wiggles the whole time she was sitting there! :)

Last night A woke up about every 1 1/2 hours. She has a cold and I assume was having problems sleeping. Hubby was very supportive and after the first few times of me getting up, offered to get up and even slept in our easy chair with her (allows her to sleep upright and her nose to stay somewhat clear). I don't want to do this because with C I spent so many nights sleeping in that stupid chair that I would be more than happy to never do that again.

So one thing I have not blogged about at all. We had a neighborhood meeting last Wednesday. Found out that some lady wants to open a halfway house in the home that is right accross from our subdivision main entrance. Within 500 feet of my home. She says that she can't have any violent offenders or sex offenders. Notice the "can't" She wanted to and the county said no way. This lady says that she wants to become part of the solution in our city by bringing offenders from our city back ito our city. The problem with that is those people's bad friends that influenced them before are here and will most likely influence them again. I say this thinking about hubby's brother R. He keeps having problems because of the negative influence of his friends. In the past he has wanted to change, but he still has the same friends.

Right now the county has brought an injuncion against her, so now we have a little time to put up a major fuss and let these people know we don't want this halfway house in our neighborhood.

The main thing that freaks me out is that if this house gets in, and the lady initially wanted violent criminals and sex offenders, she will keep pushing and possibly eventually get them in there. I don't want that. There are 3 bus stops for kids nearly in front of that house. Scary.

Anyway, I've written e-mails to everyone that I can possibly think of, but recently found out that the only way to contact the people who will really make a decision about this I can only contact by phone. This bugs me because when I get on the phone with some people I tend to sound stupid. Who likes to sound stupid?

There is a lady in our neighborhood who has been calling the news stations and has so far gotten two stations to cover the story. Problem is that I have no idea how to get ahold of this lady. Her number is unlisted. But I think if we were to work together we would get more done. You know, act as a group.

Another thing that I forgot to mention is that the lady that wants the halfway house is only renting this home. She is not the owner. But she wants to charge $30 per day per offender. There would be 10-12 offenders in the home for a maximum of 90 days. And she wants to get a local church to donate the food for these offenders. So say that she has 12 offenders for 90 days. In that time she will make $32,400. Thats $10,800 per month. Pretty lucrative. Lets say that she pays out $3,000 for expenses. Thats still $7,800 and in a year she would make $93,600. Dang. In 2 years she could way more than buy that home. (home is probably worth around $150k because it does sit on 3/4 an acre) I believe she wants to make a difference like I believe that I need a hole in my head.

Anyway, someone mentioned that we should investigate her loan and she if she is allowed to 1) rent the property and 2) use it as a buisiness.

I need to call around about the loan today, and try and contact that lady in our neighborhood. I promise to do this today.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Tuesday morning

So here I am writing without my contacts. Its weird. But truly the only thing that is different is that I have more spelling errors.

So I just visited my sister L's log. She already has had 21 visiters. Is it wrong to be slightly jealous? I shouldn't be. It's not like I want lots of visitors to read my innermost thoughts... but on some level I'm a little jealous :) Oh well.

So yesterday we got lots of stuff done. It was hubby's day off. He tilled the garden by hand and we planted Onions and garlic. We also had lots of seeds from years past, so I decided it couldn't hurt to plant those. I mean, if we get some to come up, then we've saved money. And if nothing comes up, then we didn't waste any money. I also planted some Violas and petunias in some planters in the front. I love violas. We planted some last spring and they are still alive. Well, until recently. Recently they started dying. It occured to me yesterday that maybe I needed to start watering them again. I didn't water them all winter and they lived! Anyway, this is the reason I love violas.

So Seagull book is opening a store locally. This is the first store of theirs that is closer than 4 hours away. So I'm excited. I visited a Deseret Book that is about 1/4 mile from where they are opening and they have a mormon handicraft. So I wrote to Seagull book with a great idea about how they could carry similar stuff but cheaper (since Deseret book has it way overpriced) they responded with an email about how I had to have at least 10 (or was it 15) different products to even be considered by them. If I didn't have that, they suggested approaching a distributer. Of course my response was "Um, no". so I'm back to thinking about buying a domain name from godaddy.com and selling my crocheted baby blankets through that. But that would cost around $60/year to get the name and to have it hosted. I'm still thinking about it. I would really like to do this from the space that our IP gives us, but we don't know how to use it. Hubby said something about having a web page editor or something. I guess I need to look into that more.

Friday, March 18, 2005


Why does potty training have to be so hard? I've spent the last day and a half of my life sitting with my 2 year old in the bathroom. Her on the potty, me on the edge of the tub. So far the only thing that has happened is that I've been discouraged and brought to tears. She has been very sweet and cooperative. Except for the using the potty part. So far nothing in that dang potty chair, and She's spent a good 10 hours on the thing. Been pushing lots of fluids, and lots of salty foods so that she'll want more. Tonight, She sat on it from around 6 until after 11 (when she finally was to the point where she was tired and wanted to go to bed. Before that she was willing to sit on the chair and watch the wiggles in order to stay up) I was ready to go to bed around 9, and am currently wasting time until I'm sure she is asleep.

The baby woke up around 11, and I'm sure she'll be up again around 3. For the last few nights she's been back to only waking up once. That is nice, and I hope that it continues. Typically they don't backslide, right? She started out only waking up once a night, and occasionally slept through the entire night. When she started waking up 2x a night I was doing ok, but as it continues, I get worn down and hubby really doesn't understand it. He doesn't know why I'm more tired and have less patience. Get this, the other day she woke up right after I got her down again. It was the weekend so I woke him up and asked him to pat her on the back and she would likely fall asleep again. Well it took about 10 minutes, and he did have to get her up and pat her on the back to get her back to sleep. Well this one instance and the next day hubby was cranky and tired. Yeah there bucko, it can make you tired when you don't get to sleep 8 hours straight. I really would love for him to just say Thanks (sincerly, not just in passing) or even how much he appreciates me doing that. Lately I've been very tempted to just say "you know what? Lets trade places" I would totally love to go back to work just for a week and let him realize how hard it is to take care of 2 kids, try and keep the house clean, make every meal, with a nice meal for dinner. And find time for making out with him :) and time for things I want to and like to do. I am lucky in that I usually can get the kids down for naps at the same time for 2-3 hours. So I have that time. The dilemma is what to do with that time. I would like to spend that time on me. But when I do that, the house never gets cleaned well. With the kids up, I can do about 30-40 min of cleaning in the morning before A gets tired of watching and wants attention and to be held or fed or something. She is getting somewhat better, but to look at my house, you couldn't tell. I hate living in this pig stye. I want to keep it clean but who has the time with a husband and two year old to cook and clean for, and a baby to take care of. I feel like I'm burning the candle at two ends. Now hubby does do things around the house. He does the trash, and general maintenance things. He likes to vacuum. But the things that really need doing are a deep clean of the kitchen, bathrooms, kids rooms.... etc. I think what I need is a really deep spring cleaning....at least once a month. I definately need a total house reorganization. The clutter is driving me mad. I guess I feel so overwhelmed with everything that I have kind of given up in a way and am just in survival mode. I hate this. I just want one day where I don't have the kids and I can clean the house. Then another day where I don't have the kids and can just organize, but that would take about a week worth of those days. And since I'm breast feeding the baby I'm really limited to what can be done in reality.

I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 04, 2005

super quick post

So how can you tell if a noise late at night is a gun shot? Having only heard them on TV shows, i have no idea. but I think I might have heard some about 10 minutes ago.

Anyway, update on the Flu. turns out it was food poisoning that I got at a baby shower along with 5 other women. Feeling great now.

Life feels like its going at 100 miles an hour right now and I don't have time for all the things I want to do. And when I try and make time, my relationships suffer. C was really needing a lot of attention today. But that was my fault. I was spending way to much time on an internet Bulletin board. I like the board, but don't need to follow it quite as closely as I have been the last few days.

Hubby finally talked me into a laptop since its become apparent that school will be much much smoother for him if he were to have a portable computer strictly for schoolwork. I hope he gets great use out of it for what we've paid out for it. Thank goodness for tax returns.

Don't know if anyone is reading this blog, but my site counter keeps going up now and again. Probably just the occasional visitor who was looking for something else. Works for me because this blog is purely for me to get my thoughts/feelings out.

Lately I've been feeling like I could do a lot more with my day if I was more organized. I've resolved to make a schedule, and attack one room in the house and clear it of clutter every day. I was able to do that 2 days this week and the rooms I attacked still look great. If I were to do this every day I would have a great looking house 80% of the time. Still working on writing out a schedule. But I've been taking C to story time and am finding more and more reasons to turn off the TV and do other things.

Well I'd better get to bed since it's nearly midnight.