Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Tuesday morning

So here I am writing without my contacts. Its weird. But truly the only thing that is different is that I have more spelling errors.

So I just visited my sister L's log. She already has had 21 visiters. Is it wrong to be slightly jealous? I shouldn't be. It's not like I want lots of visitors to read my innermost thoughts... but on some level I'm a little jealous :) Oh well.

So yesterday we got lots of stuff done. It was hubby's day off. He tilled the garden by hand and we planted Onions and garlic. We also had lots of seeds from years past, so I decided it couldn't hurt to plant those. I mean, if we get some to come up, then we've saved money. And if nothing comes up, then we didn't waste any money. I also planted some Violas and petunias in some planters in the front. I love violas. We planted some last spring and they are still alive. Well, until recently. Recently they started dying. It occured to me yesterday that maybe I needed to start watering them again. I didn't water them all winter and they lived! Anyway, this is the reason I love violas.

So Seagull book is opening a store locally. This is the first store of theirs that is closer than 4 hours away. So I'm excited. I visited a Deseret Book that is about 1/4 mile from where they are opening and they have a mormon handicraft. So I wrote to Seagull book with a great idea about how they could carry similar stuff but cheaper (since Deseret book has it way overpriced) they responded with an email about how I had to have at least 10 (or was it 15) different products to even be considered by them. If I didn't have that, they suggested approaching a distributer. Of course my response was "Um, no". so I'm back to thinking about buying a domain name from godaddy.com and selling my crocheted baby blankets through that. But that would cost around $60/year to get the name and to have it hosted. I'm still thinking about it. I would really like to do this from the space that our IP gives us, but we don't know how to use it. Hubby said something about having a web page editor or something. I guess I need to look into that more.

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