Friday, March 04, 2005

super quick post

So how can you tell if a noise late at night is a gun shot? Having only heard them on TV shows, i have no idea. but I think I might have heard some about 10 minutes ago.

Anyway, update on the Flu. turns out it was food poisoning that I got at a baby shower along with 5 other women. Feeling great now.

Life feels like its going at 100 miles an hour right now and I don't have time for all the things I want to do. And when I try and make time, my relationships suffer. C was really needing a lot of attention today. But that was my fault. I was spending way to much time on an internet Bulletin board. I like the board, but don't need to follow it quite as closely as I have been the last few days.

Hubby finally talked me into a laptop since its become apparent that school will be much much smoother for him if he were to have a portable computer strictly for schoolwork. I hope he gets great use out of it for what we've paid out for it. Thank goodness for tax returns.

Don't know if anyone is reading this blog, but my site counter keeps going up now and again. Probably just the occasional visitor who was looking for something else. Works for me because this blog is purely for me to get my thoughts/feelings out.

Lately I've been feeling like I could do a lot more with my day if I was more organized. I've resolved to make a schedule, and attack one room in the house and clear it of clutter every day. I was able to do that 2 days this week and the rooms I attacked still look great. If I were to do this every day I would have a great looking house 80% of the time. Still working on writing out a schedule. But I've been taking C to story time and am finding more and more reasons to turn off the TV and do other things.

Well I'd better get to bed since it's nearly midnight.

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