Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Today is bath day

OK, so I hate coming up with a new title everyday.

So I was reading back through some of my blogs and I realized that there has been a ton of stuff that I haven't completely told you about.

So the first thing that comes to mind is that we have stayed with Dish Network, just upgraded to local channels. I think we may go down to the lowest package they have soon also. I just can't stomach paying that much each month.

We renegotiated the golf clubs and they turned into a laptop. Hubby finished up his class and it became apparent that he really could use a laptop. So he got it last week and has already been doing lots of programming and stuff for his current class on it. I think it has turned out to be a good decision.

We gave up on potty trainng. C never even had an accident in her potty chair so after 2 1/2 days of sitting on the potty for about 10 hours total, we decided to take a break. Maybe she's not ready yet. So I need to find situations for her to sit on the potty. Maybe right before baths while I'm bathing A. And I'll talk to her about it a lot. Yesterday I mentioned going potty on the potty chair and she changed the subject and said she was ready for bed. This doesn't happen all that often, so maybe she does remember how boring that was. :) I just hope we haven't done anything damaging. She got to watch and listen to the Wiggles the whole time she was sitting there! :)

Last night A woke up about every 1 1/2 hours. She has a cold and I assume was having problems sleeping. Hubby was very supportive and after the first few times of me getting up, offered to get up and even slept in our easy chair with her (allows her to sleep upright and her nose to stay somewhat clear). I don't want to do this because with C I spent so many nights sleeping in that stupid chair that I would be more than happy to never do that again.

So one thing I have not blogged about at all. We had a neighborhood meeting last Wednesday. Found out that some lady wants to open a halfway house in the home that is right accross from our subdivision main entrance. Within 500 feet of my home. She says that she can't have any violent offenders or sex offenders. Notice the "can't" She wanted to and the county said no way. This lady says that she wants to become part of the solution in our city by bringing offenders from our city back ito our city. The problem with that is those people's bad friends that influenced them before are here and will most likely influence them again. I say this thinking about hubby's brother R. He keeps having problems because of the negative influence of his friends. In the past he has wanted to change, but he still has the same friends.

Right now the county has brought an injuncion against her, so now we have a little time to put up a major fuss and let these people know we don't want this halfway house in our neighborhood.

The main thing that freaks me out is that if this house gets in, and the lady initially wanted violent criminals and sex offenders, she will keep pushing and possibly eventually get them in there. I don't want that. There are 3 bus stops for kids nearly in front of that house. Scary.

Anyway, I've written e-mails to everyone that I can possibly think of, but recently found out that the only way to contact the people who will really make a decision about this I can only contact by phone. This bugs me because when I get on the phone with some people I tend to sound stupid. Who likes to sound stupid?

There is a lady in our neighborhood who has been calling the news stations and has so far gotten two stations to cover the story. Problem is that I have no idea how to get ahold of this lady. Her number is unlisted. But I think if we were to work together we would get more done. You know, act as a group.

Another thing that I forgot to mention is that the lady that wants the halfway house is only renting this home. She is not the owner. But she wants to charge $30 per day per offender. There would be 10-12 offenders in the home for a maximum of 90 days. And she wants to get a local church to donate the food for these offenders. So say that she has 12 offenders for 90 days. In that time she will make $32,400. Thats $10,800 per month. Pretty lucrative. Lets say that she pays out $3,000 for expenses. Thats still $7,800 and in a year she would make $93,600. Dang. In 2 years she could way more than buy that home. (home is probably worth around $150k because it does sit on 3/4 an acre) I believe she wants to make a difference like I believe that I need a hole in my head.

Anyway, someone mentioned that we should investigate her loan and she if she is allowed to 1) rent the property and 2) use it as a buisiness.

I need to call around about the loan today, and try and contact that lady in our neighborhood. I promise to do this today.


Ricky said...

I don't know how I found your blog, but here I am. I was saddened by your portrayal of the halfway house conflict. I believe I understand your concern for your children, and your neighborhood is justified in not wanting a halfway house next door. However, where do you propose they put it? There is no location that will not put a neighborhood at a somewhat greater risk and still serve the main purpose of a halfway house: to help offenders re-enter society.

Someone, somewhere, has to extend a little bit of trust. We never expect it to have to be us, or our neighborhood, that extends that trust. How are these offenders supposed to reenter a society that consistently pushes them to the outskirts? It is so very easy to "support" rehabilitation, and yet a very different one to actually take part.

On an editorial note--you might want to reconsider your use of the word "so".

Me again said...

Dude, Its my blog and I can "so" if I want to!

Seriously, I decided that I want to be able to just pour things out. I don't want to have to worry, going over and over things until they are grammatically perfect. If I end up using "so" all over the place, then so be it.

However I do go over quickly for spelling errors and some thought continuity. I want to make sure people can read it.

Me again said...

Oh, and re: your comments about the halfway house - we already have 85 registered sex offenders in our zip code. Who knows about other types of offenders.

Do we really need any more?

By the way, if you look up other zip codes stats, you'll realize that we are well above average.

Ricky said...

You're Right. It is your blog. And you can 'So' if you want. I just thought I would alert you--not meaning to be mean at all. It's interesting to see your blog as it comes out. It is definitely very readable.

I did say you were justified in not wanting offenders of any kind living near you. But I still believe that a little trust has to be extended somewhere. We all wish it didn't have to be us. What I am not sure about is how to extend that trust--hopefully helping an offender get away from harmful behaviour--without putting someone at risk for being victimized.

Again, not being mean, but it seems like there are a lot of "crusades" to keep neighborhoods safe by exclusion. But in doing that, the crusader is, by extension, saying that some other neighborhood should be unsafe.

Maybe there is a better way to bring previous offenders back into society without marginalizing them. If so, I certainly don't know what it is--I am just not satisfied that the current system is it.