Friday, February 25, 2005

sicker than a dog

So I've been sicker than a dog today. I woke up at 3 to feed A and after about 5 minutes it was apparent that I would have to use the bathroom before I finished with her. So I put her down and used the bathroom (very loose).

I fed her some more and I thought she was on the verge of being asleep. But I knew I had to throw up. So I ran and put A in her bed and rushed to the toilet to puke my guts up. My husband woke up because he heard me running from A's room to the bathroom and was concerned. He found me in the bathroom. I told him what had happened and asked him to check on A. She wasn't asleep so I sent him back to bed after he made me promise to wake him up if I had any trouble with getting A back to sleep.

It took me awhile to get her back to bed. Anyway after that my sleep was interupted for many trips to the bathroom for liquid movements (if you catch my drift).

When I woke up I still felt awful and called hubby to beg him to come home from work early. He came home around 11, changed the kids out of their pajamas, sent me downstairs for a shower and sleep.

I'm feeling much better now. I feel bad about getting hubby home from work early because I feel pretty good now and he would be at work for another 1 1/2 hours. But he had time off he could take and keeps telling me not to worry about it. So I'm going to stop.

I think I got this flu at the dentist. But that's another story that I won't dwell on now.

Here's hoping none of you get this flu

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