Friday, February 25, 2005

sicker than a dog

So I've been sicker than a dog today. I woke up at 3 to feed A and after about 5 minutes it was apparent that I would have to use the bathroom before I finished with her. So I put her down and used the bathroom (very loose).

I fed her some more and I thought she was on the verge of being asleep. But I knew I had to throw up. So I ran and put A in her bed and rushed to the toilet to puke my guts up. My husband woke up because he heard me running from A's room to the bathroom and was concerned. He found me in the bathroom. I told him what had happened and asked him to check on A. She wasn't asleep so I sent him back to bed after he made me promise to wake him up if I had any trouble with getting A back to sleep.

It took me awhile to get her back to bed. Anyway after that my sleep was interupted for many trips to the bathroom for liquid movements (if you catch my drift).

When I woke up I still felt awful and called hubby to beg him to come home from work early. He came home around 11, changed the kids out of their pajamas, sent me downstairs for a shower and sleep.

I'm feeling much better now. I feel bad about getting hubby home from work early because I feel pretty good now and he would be at work for another 1 1/2 hours. But he had time off he could take and keeps telling me not to worry about it. So I'm going to stop.

I think I got this flu at the dentist. But that's another story that I won't dwell on now.

Here's hoping none of you get this flu

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Tuesday night

So I realized tonight that it had been a few days since my last post. I've had to many things on my plate these days.

I've been working on geneology, keeping up with, taking care of kids, taking care of hubby, dads birthday, Sister is in town.

I guess I'm just making excuses. Oh well

We went over to my parents house on Sunday to celebrate my Dad's birthday, that is actually tomorrow. I got to talk to Ae and also my brother J and Dad. Mom got to play with all the kids. But I have to say that it was extremely crazy. My sister W, Sister J, brother J, Brother C all there with their kids. So a total of around 17 kids, and about 10 adults. That house was packed. Good thing we were able to send all the kids down to the basement to play.

It was great to see my sister L who was in town from Idaho Falls. It was great to talk to her. Before she came we were talking on the phone about once a day. Basically because we were both lonely for someone to talk to. Hopefully we'll get back to that now that she is in Idaho Falls again. Its weird that we weren't able to have such great conversations in person :) It must have something to do with the fact that on the phone we are just wasting time, and in person we have things to do.

She loaned me "Wives and Daughters" . I would recommend it. It was an excellent movie.

L is doing great right now. She is a court reporter and has hopes of going into captioning. She is scheduled to take a test in July. Once she has passed the test, she will receive a license to caption and she can get a job in it. She has a company in mind. If she were to get hired on, she would be able to work for a few hours every day from home. She wants to be a writer and would be able to use the rest of the time writing. So she would be able to support herself while she writes. I sure hopes it works out because she has worked hard and deserves it.

Enough for today. Gotta go.

Thursday, February 17, 2005


If I was using names I would have put my sisters name in there, but since I'm trying not to use personal info, I use the abreviation Ae.

Ae one of my youngest sisters. She and Ar are twins, and the youngest of the family.

Ae has made some horrible decisions in the past few years... her latest has me shaking my head and saying things like "Well it's her life. But I sure wish I could give her a good talking to"

Ae first off is a somewhat easily lead person and I would call her naive. She has this thing where she'll get a job and then quit it a few months later because it isn't working out for some reason or another. Now, if it had only happened once, maybe twice I wouldn't think anything of it. But it has happened numerous times. I guess that doesn't have anything to do with her current situation, other than it points out her immaturity.

I need to say one thing. I do realize that I am picking Ae apart and dwelling on her negative traits and judging her in this post. And I don't mean to justify. But I really just need to rant, and nobody reads this site anyway... so no harm no foul.

Almost 3 years ago Ae started working at a local tortilla manufacturing plant. This place had many people working for it who were immigrants. Not just from Mexico (I know you assumed it :) mexican food = mexican workers) but from Romania and I'm sure other countries.

Well, while Ae was working for this company she started hanging out with a mexican guy. We were all a bit worried, but Mom correctly pointed out that she was 21 (or 20? don't remember) and could make her own decisions. Ae started dating this guy, who I should mention was a non member. She started dating him and - it came out later - eventually starting sleeping with him. Other things came out also. Along with the announcement that she was pregnant. We found out that this guy was an illegal. He had fled the US when he was supposed to be in jail (if I remember correctly) and came back into the country under another name. I will tell you this name because I don't care about it at all Leandro Marban. His real name is Jose something or other. Anyway, he is using a fake name and fake social security number. And yes, we tried to report him but found that nobody really cared. Hows that for national security? Other things we found later were that he had a gun in his car from time to time and had drugs in the car at times. All this while Ae was in the car. Ummm... how can you say RUN!!!!!! Anyway, after the announcement of her pregnancy they got married. Most family members really wanted her to adopt the baby out and lose the guy, but it was not to be. So they got married when she was about 3 months along. They moved into his apartment and she quit her job (big surprise!) Well, 3 months later they opted for a divorce. Saying neither of them were happy. Did I mention that for a lot of this time his brother was living with them and he would go on the occasional trip to California to buy hub caps for his car. OK either these were drug trafficking trips or he was totally into his car. I don't know for sure. Also, he spoke broken English and Ae didn't know a lick of spanish. So, they got divorced when Ae was 6 months along. So she moved back in with Mom and Dad. She thought about getting a job but it didn't get much further than her thinking about it. The good thing that came out of this time that she had was that she decided to adopt the baby out through LDS family services. She found a family that she felt very good about. She asked me to be her coach, and Mom and I coached her into motherhood. The baby arrived healthy and happy. Ae spent 2 or 3 days in the hospital with the baby getting to know him, spend time with him, and overall saying goodbye. Many pictures were taken, and all the family visited at Ae's invitation. Oddly enough the baby's daddy only visited once. He didnt' come to meet the new parents on the day the baby was handed over. And may I say that they stole our name that hubby and I had chosen if we were ever to have a boy? I told everyone.... and even though her baby was adopted and given another name (but they used Ae's chosen name as the middle name) she still won't let me use the name! She says she would feel weird about it. Even though she and everyone else refer to the baby as the new name. This annoys me. But whatever.

Ae seemed to be getting her life on track. She was receiving counceling through LDS family services and had worked through things with her bishop. She seemed to be getting her life back in order. She got a job, moved out, things were looking good. Then I heard from Ae's twin that life wasn't all rosy. Ae was still seeing her ex. Hanging out and stuff. A few months ago I found out that they were dating again. (um, ok, they got divorced?) A few days ago I found out that it was with all the former benefits. That really made me sad for my sister. When I heard that I couldn't believe it. Mom said that she wasn't attending church or paying tithing and had told her twin Ar that she didn't believe it any more. Wow. You could have knocked me over with a feather.

So here's what I think. Leandro was the first guy she ever dated. The first kiss, the first everything if you get my drift. I think that this is all she thinks she can get guy-wise. I think that is what got her in the first place.

I think that what is getting her now is baby grief. I think that she wants another baby. She thinks it will help her get over the first one if she has a second. But it won't. It will just add to her grief in the long run. I'm just so sad for her. I keep thinking I need to call her... but I think I need to process this more. I don't want to have more emotional diarhea on another family member :)

One thing that bugs me is that she hangs out and lives in a house with a girl from her birth mother group from LDS family services. This girl seems to be a bad influence on her... Wish there was something I could do besides the recommended "just keep loving her and keep talking to her" that I get from my Mom.

It all boils down to the fact that it is her life and she has free agency to make her own choices. Sad but true.

Next time I will pick myself apart... oh wait, I did that a few entries ago :) Ahh life. I wish it was a simple as a game of say Kings Quest. Point and click, accomplish certain tasks and win. Life is way to complicated sometimes! :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I'm sorry

Ok, I was going through a sort of hormonal thing when I wrote that last entry.

After I had A four months ago, Hubby and I opted for an IUD for birth control. It sort of messed my body and periods up for a few months and the day I wrote that last post, my first period started. I usually don't have such severe highs and lows but I think it must have to have something to do with the fact that it was the first after a few months without. I sure hope they aren't all like that. My periods usually don't affect me all that much hormonally. It would be hard for hubby and I both to get used to it! (crossing fingers!)

So I've gotten into family history and had a major breakthrough last sunday. Hubby had taken a family history class back in '99 and had all sorts of info on Gedcom. I took that and decided to pursue a branch of the family that we didn't have much info on. I had a breakthrough when I searched They had much of the info I was looking for. My mother in law was able to fill in some of the gaps, and she gave me the phone number of her aunt. Hopefully I'll be able to get the rest of the info from her. I'm really excited, and I've been e-mailing back and forth with the guy who had provided the info on He's asked many questions that I am still learning about. So he is providing me with lots of questions to ask.

My sister Ar had a scare earlier this week. She is about 3 months along with her first baby. I found out Saturday morning that she had spent most of Friday night in the hospital with bleeding. They were afraid she would lose the baby. My mom called me and asked me to check on her because Mom has a night job and sleeps all day and she wanted someone to check up on Ar. Well When I called Ar, I sort of had emotional Diarhea all over her. I was trying to be comforting but then in the middle of the conversation I looked at my kids and realized how devastated I would be if something were to happen to them and how sad I was that this could possibly be something my younger sis would have to go through. I started crying and expressed to Ar that I wish that I could take this pain from her and handle it for her.

I don't think she needed to hear that. I probably should have just shut myself up but didn't. Ar handled me well though. :) She didn't lose the baby. So we are all praying for her and wishing her the best.

Hubby has been very busy at work and school lately but he still took the time to send me and the kids e-cards on Valentines day (his day off, so he had to do it the week before) He also got me a spa day coupon, and cleaned the house from top to bottom. I think it had something to do with my emotional breakdown of sorts the week before, because we usually don't do a whole lot of stuff for each other on valentines. I felt bad because I didn't do anything for him. I was being stupid and didn't think it would matter, but its been bugging me ever since. I've been trying to come up with something to do to make it up to him.

C and A get cuter every day. C is learning new words, and phrases and things every day! She loves to count to 10. Sunday she came home from nursery and started counting to 10 with her hands over her eyes. I think they were trying to teach her to play hide and seek or something. Anyway I taught her to say "Ready or not here I come" after counting to 10. It translated to "come". It was so cute! She did it over and over.

A has the cutest smile and loves to kick in the bathtub. She loves it when C plays with her. The only problem is that C has started to hit and bite A. The hitting I can deal with. But the biting really bothers me. How can C bite someone so small and unable to defend herself.
I'm using the naughty chair techniques. I hope they work!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Am I the only one who occasionally feels like their kids are sucking the life out of them?

Last night A woke up at 4 and then again at 6:45. The first time it took me an hour to get her back to sleep. By that time I was so awake that it took me a while to fall asleep again. I feel like a zombie.

Earlier last night I went to a recipe swap that another woman in my ward put together. It was fun, but at times I felt like I couldn't put 2 words together and make sense. I was having a good time, but wasn't contributing very well. I think that this is partly because of the kids, and partly because of the staying home all day. Who do I talk to that could be considered an adult? my husband. Speaking of him, I was gone a whole 1 1/2 hours. When I got home he was very upset, and the kids were upset. Because I've taken on so much of the kid burden, have I handicapped my husband to the point where he can't even watch the kids for 1 1/2 hours? He said that A had a major rash so he had to put some major desiten on her and she wouldn't let him put her down. And for some reason C threw up her dinner. I just think she was a) upset or b) ate to much. or maybe it was a combination of the 2. I am just upset that I can't even get an 1 1/2 break without coming home to a husband that doesn't ever want to watch the kids alone again. Thinking about that last sentence makes me want to give up. No Mother should have to look into a future that looks like she'll never get even a little break for the next few years (when her kids are in school). Anyway... A few minutes I told hubby that I thought I was done having kids. He said Well this last kid has been pretty tame compared to the first one. He doesn't understand that that is what I'm thinking of. If I'm at the end of my leash with a tame one, isn't it better to stop that to risk getting another crazy one?

I'm just so tired. A is yelling again.

Yesterday C was eating and made a huge mess - playing with her food and getting it all over her, the floor, the table, and worst of all in her hair. I gave them both baths yesterday morning. A was yelling this whole time, and I didn't handle it well. I yelled at C for making a mess. I spanked her (I hate it when I lose it like that). I wasn't out of control, but I hated that I allowed myself to do that. All the while knowing that the reason I was reacting so strongly was that A was crying and crying. Maybe a better thing to do would have been picking up A and getting her settled down. Then calmly cleaning up C. I should have really gone into a different room for a second and taken a few deep breaths. I resolve to do this next time.

Sometimes I just feel like my work will never end. Hubby just doesn't understand what it really is like to be a stay at home mom. I'm starting to feel sort of negative about that. A's diaper he changed yesterday? He didn't get it over her entire bum, so this morning at 4 she was soaked through. C had 2 nights in a row where hubby changed her diaper and the next morning the were unhooked on one side. Halfway off. I'm just really glad that there were no accidents there. C could have gotten it off somehow, but she had on pajamas and would have had to undo the diaper through them.

I guess I need more sleep and an attitude adjustment. I'm just tired of things. The dishes need doing again, the bathrooms need to be cleaned, the laundry needs to be done, the diaper pail is full again. C needs a new diaper, and to be changed out of her "jammas". The house needs to be picked up, I haven't even gotten a shower yet, or contacts in. So I stink and everything is blurry. Hubby just doesn't understand how it is to do the same things over and over and really accomplish nothing. He also has class for 4 hours tonight so I'm it, no breaks tonight. Hubby does give me lots of breaks, he holds the kids, since the bedtime change, he's helped put C to bed, He is a big help, but... I think I'm just tired. I love him, and he's a great Dad. Maybe its just that I'm not a good Mom, or not stay at home Mom material. I would so love to put the kids in daycare just so I can have a day alone to clean the house without C to pull things out after me. I could take a nap. I could watch something besides the Wiggles. Sometimes I just want to say I quit. I quit, you take the kids, I need some me time. Let me do something alone. I do have to say that I have a couple of hours during nap time. but its hard to cram everything into those hours. Also is it selfish to want to spend those hours on me? So no housecleaning tipically gets done during this time.

Friday, February 04, 2005

one more thing...

I was thinking today that it's kind of hard to know who I am talking about in this blog due to all the initials. So I thought I'd create a key of sorts.

Parents will always be referred to as my mom or Dad and hubby's will always be hubby's Mom or dad

My kids, well hopefully you'll know when I'm talking about them, but I'll refer to them as C and A. C is the oldest. They are both so cute!

My family (3 boys, 7 girls)I won't put me in there :)
K, S, W, C, J, J, L, Ae, Ar - you may notice that there are 2 J's. They are twins (2 sets remember) One is a girl and one is a boy. So you'll just have to pay attention to the "My brother" or "My sister" part.

Hubby's family. (5 boys, 1 girl)
J, P, D, B, R, W

Hubby's family... well there is adventure in and of itself. I feel like writing some more so let me tell you about them.

His brother J. Very nice fellow. He is living up in Washington state with his wife. they have no children, and are I believe in their early 40's now. He met his wife while he was serving overseas in the military. It was one of those "Great to see you again family... oh and by the way this is my wife. I forgot to tell you I got married?" His wife is Baptist. Nothing against them but the fact that because hubby and I got married in the temple, she didn't even bother to come with her hubby to Idaho for the reception and other festivities... I've never actually met her. Hubby and I will have been married for 4 years in a few months.

P.... well I can't say much about P other than the fact that he is gay. Not happy gay, but just gay. He served a mission. I've met him once for about an hour. He is living in Washington state also, but in a different city than J. Hubby found out he was gay when he was visiting P one time and P was showing him a picture album and they turned a page and voila there was P dressed as a woman. Since then he always seems to be visiting home with a "roomate". We don't know for sure which family members know. Its up for debate whether Hubby's dad knows and also whether he would drop dead from shock if he ever found out. P was working for K-mart as a big muckity muck, but lost his job with all of the bankruptcy stuff going on. He went back to school and as far as I know was borrowing money from hubby's parents for car payments, insurance, and rent.

That brings up hubby's parents. All of their children are over the age of 22, but hubby's mom can't seem to cut them off. D recently moved from Utah to Arizona and had to borrow moving money from hubby's parents even though he was moving from a $175K home and they live in a $3k (if they're lucky) trailer. Hey, the trailer is at least 25 years old. 7 kids... just think about it.

Speaking of D, he's next in line if you go from oldest to youngest as I am doing. He served his mission in Argentina and while down there met his future wife. He came home for a couple of months and then went back down for the wedding. None of hubby's family was able to go. In fact our marriage was the first that his parents had been to of their childrens weddings. So for a time they lived with the rest of the family in the trailer. All the while his wife learned english and they got pregnant with their first child. They eventually moved out, and ended up in Utah and now Arizona. D's wife is very nice. He also has 2 boys and a girl. all very nice kids. The only thing wrong with D is the fact that for a while he was doing mortgage brokering. Basically you negotiate a mortgage or refinance and then sell the loan to a bank or mortgage company. He handled our refinance and it was the worst possible thing that could have happened. First of all the thing took 6 months from start to finish. Thats SIX months.A refinance usually takes 30 days! Second thing is that in the beginning I told my sister about him, and he also handled their refinance. I think theirs took 4 or 5 months. After it was all over he said that as a thank you for referring my sister he would send us a gift card to any restaraunt we wanted. Well, we told him which restaurant. He never sent it. We were planning on sharing it with my sister as a booby prize. One of those "Well at least we got free food" gifts. We also ended up with a IHA or FHA loan (the better of the 2). We originally had a conventional loan, and he had told us he could do that again, but changed over in the middle, and the reason he changed over went away and he never changed it back. That was probably somehting we could have done something about if we had been paying closer attention, but we thought he had our back. And it would have probably made it take even more time. In the end the only reason we signed the papers was because we felt trapped due to all the fees (inspections, etc.) Anyway we have since learned our lesson about dealings with family, and also that I wouldn't trust this guy as far as I could throw him, even though he seems like a nice guy.

B is next. As the only girl, she had an interesting childhood. She was reportedly spoiled and highly favored by hubby's mom. She has had money problems of her own, and had to move in with hubby's parents for a couple of years. She has since moved back out on her own. We hope this will be a big help to her love life. She is I think 31. She is very nice, but a little heavy set. She offers the occasional free babysitting! We certainly appreciate that! Back to the childhood. There is a story told where there was a fight over the remote or something and B threw the remote at 2 of her brothers, breaking a window. The brothers got in trouble, and B really didn't get punished. The one thing that really bugs me is that B is a girly girl. Fingernails done, doesn't like to get dirty. Also, she won't camp, and I don't think she ever has. Nothing like that. If the family were to go camping, she and her mom would stay in the closest hotel. She does like sports (go Atlanta insert team name here!) its a weird combination to me. Everyone is different, I just don't understand the combination, myself being a camping girl who is not all that interested in sports :)

(please excuse spelling and grammar errors - its late and I'm tired!)

Next is hubby, and after him R

R is an iteresting case study. He is what you would call the black sheep in this family full of them. He was a promising baseball player during his junior year. Unfortunately he became involved with drugs and alcohol and his life has since gone to pot. literally. That is until a few years back. That was when he started dating a nice girl who was the black sheep of her own family. The only difference was that she was trying to change. She had made a mistake about 2 years earlier and had a baby out of wedlock. She had since started going back to church and changing a few things in her life. She and R started dating and R announced to his family that he intended to start going back to church. He started attending and a few months later it was found that she was pregnant, and they decided to get married. They did and a few months later had a boy. About a year after that they had a fight. She came home drunk and started a fight and the neighbors called the police and since he had quite the record (don't ask, a lot of drugs and a lot of driving on a suspended license, possession, etc) they hauled him off. The judge said they couldn't live together for something like a year, and anger management classes had to be taken. R moved back in with his parents. He and his wife made up and began dating again. months and months (10?) later they announced that she was again pregnant. about 2 months after that she found out that he had gotten another girl pregnant and she had lost the baby. She had to call R's wife because of some STD that she had and R's wife should be tested for. (I don't know the whole story). They made up again after a month or 2. a little after that they discovered that they were actually having twin girls and now she is due in 8 weeks or so. R is working 2 jobs because his wife was told by the doctor that she had to stop working. The way I tell the story, the timeline is a bit messed up. To give you an idea of the actual timeline, here are the ages of their children... 1st 4 yrs old, and 2nd, 2 years old.

The last sibling is W. He was attending BYU Idaho but is currently in Arizona trying to get a job for the summer while living with D and his family. W is going to the summer fall school year. I didn't know there were any other options other than fall and spring at college, but I guess there is :) He is chasing girls, or rather they are chasing him. He is a great guy, served a mission, very promising future.

Hubby's parents are very nice. His dad is going through a rough spot right now. He bad circulation in his legs, and that has caused him to be less and less active to the point where now he uses a motorized wheel chair. The less and less active part caused him to gain weight and I would say he is now approaching 400 pounds. He is in constant pain and is to the point where he is wondering why he is still around. He has been retired for a few years now, and of course that is when everything really started to go down hill for his health. At one point he was using his invalidity (his being an invalid?) for the good and was doing extraction work for the church. He recently stopped though because he said he was frustrated that they could not supply him with enough work to keep him busy. We are all trying to encourage him to continue doing this because it gave him a purpose. Well, either this or working on hubby's wife's family's geneology.

Hubby's mom is from the south. Even though she has been living in Idaho for about 25 years, she still speaks with southern accent. I thought that was weird, but what do I know. Hubby's dad complains about the amount of money she is constantly spending. He complains that she is always ordering stuff and spending money. I want to know what he does all day. Why can't he spend his time getting a handle on their finances? But again, what do I know? I'm sure many people look at my life and say, why doesn't she do that ? it seems obvious. What I want to know is why, when hubby's mom is still working, Hubby's dad is receiving retirement and social security (he's a veteran) and they are making about the same as hubby and I, one income, why they are in debt up to their eyeballs? To them $500 saved is a nest egg and something to be bragged about. They live in a trailer, so pay space rent and they owe something like 3k on the trailer so pay something on that.... they don't have to pay utilities if I remember right... They must have some crazy credit card debt. Oh wait they also have a car payment, and kids that keep asking for "loans". I forgot to mention that the last time I asked, hubby's mom was still paying car insurance for B and W. Hello! B is over 30! W is at least 22! I was paying my own car insurance when I got my first car. I won't deny that while I was driving mom and Dad's cars I didn't remember or have the money to pay them every month. I bought my first car when I was 18. I cleaned out my savings account and borrowed a couple hundrend from Dad and bought my first Jeep! a jeep commando. But that is a story for another day. That was also the time I started working for a great company and made $$ and saved lots. But that was before marriage drained the bank accounts.... ah the memories.

Well, I'm tired and am ready to stop typing. I think I should do this same summary sort of thing for my family also. And then I'll tell you all about my faults because boy do I have a lot!! maybe when I recover from all this typing :)

Great day!

So today we converted to cable internet. faster. Not as lightning quick as hubby convinced me it would be, but still fast.

I just heard that Amazing race 7 will be starting only 3 weeks after the current season ends. AWESOME!! great reality show that is worth watching.

why is it that I can't write and watch TV at the same time? Its like my thoughts are scattered and I can't put them together.

I've been keeping an eye on a new message board lately. My hubby introduced me to They discuss BYU sports, but among all of that there are many interesting links and all sorts of fun stuff. Here is my favorite one from today. I think the reason I like it so much is that although it is really funny, I could totally see me doing this. Of course I wouldn't record it though :) The song has a good beat and I don't know if its just me but it makes me want to dance along with this guy. I guess it just shows what a dork I am.

Another reality show I like to watch is Project Runway on Bravo. Yeah, it does have to much swearing, but... well I have no justification. I just don't watch it with hubby or the kids. I have been keeping an eye on the discussion board over at and they totally hate Wendy (thats her name, right?), one of the contestants who is older and a mom. My problem is that I totally am rooting for her, and identify with her on some level. I too am socially awkward. I never know what to do or how to react. Basically I'm to self conscious. This is getting better as I get older. but anyway, I digress. Since everyone over there hates Wendy, I haven't had the courage to say anything or stick up for her. My only comeback would be something like "Yeah? Well.... uh, she uh.. yeah!" She actually designs dresses well, and the next challenge is an oscar dress, so I think she'll make it through to fashion week. I can't wait to see a whole line from all of the designers. Especially one where I assume there will be few time or money constraints? I don't know about the $$, but at least I hope there will be no time constraints. I wonder what they will do about the model that couldn't make it to the last runway competition - the one that Austin filled in for. Its hard because all the models at this point are pretty, walk well, or have some feature that makes it so I can tell them apart from the others. At the beginning they were all just pretty faces :)

Lets see... I'm really bummed because the last episode of Gilmore Girls, season 4 was on ABC family yesterday. Now I don't have anything really to look forward to every day. We are still thinking about Directv, but really don't have a strong reason to switch over... I fear that by the time we switch over (if ever) Season 5 of the gilmore girls will be over, and the show will be cancelled (Pamie over at TWOP is always talking about how its not as good as it once was, and will probably be cancelled soon).

Another good show to watch is Monk. The new season just started. He has a new sidekick - I guess because Sharona asked for to much money. For me its like they tried to be the same, but different. It comes off like they were trying to hard to me. They got another blond woman, but this time with a daughter (hello Benji). But the show is still good. And I'm actually starting to like the new woman. We'll see what happens as the season progresses.

Maclouds daughters is also good. Mostly like it because its set in Australia. Can't hate an interesting show set in Australia.

Why don't I have anything to look forward to if I watch all these shows you ask? Well, these are all on when hubby is home. GG showed in the middle of the afternoon during naptime. It was like the whole house was quiet and I could concentrate on watching GG without having to turn it way up to hear it or chase kids around and miss parts. This was important because the Gilmores all talk really fast, but say really funny things all the time. So you had to listen carefully to catch it all sometimes.

I'll recover, but in the meantime, I'm bummed :)

today I spent a lot of time online chatting with hubby at work and hanging out at cougarboard. I don't know what I'll do next week.

I finally got the address for my cousin today. I crocheted her a baby blanket for her newly adopted daughter like a month ago and never got around to the sending part. :) I always forget the important stuff.

I'm halfway through a blanket for my sis in law who is having twins in 8 weeks or so. I'm starting to worry that I won't have 2 blankets for her in time. I'm also thinking of making and selling baby blankets online. I could possibly make money at it. I'm always trying to keep an ear to the ground for ways to make extra money to save and invest.

The other day a guy called me out of the blue with an opportunity. One of those sell to your friends and family deals. Some sort of supplement. I hate those buisinesses. When its family or close friends I feel obligated to buy. Even when they are just having a party I feel obligated to buy. Its cheaper to stay home when someone is having one of those parties. And also, if you don't know what you're missing (or what they are selling) you don't know what you're missing.

Please don't invite me to your product parties!!!!! :)

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


For some strange reason I've been avoiding this blog. I just didn't want to write an entry. I don't know... strange

So this week has been busy. Hubby finally talked me into cable internet. He works hard, and deserves a few perks. I justify it by saying that he needs it for school :) We also negotiated new golf clubs for him. It was much better than a new laptop which he wouldn't really use anyway. I've talked him into letting me have the same amount of money to spend on a treat for me, but I just can't think of anything I want that I don't already have.

I've been thinking about selling crocheted baby blankets on the internet. With cable internet, we get a web site. It would be fun. I could make a little extra money to save. Its weird to be thinking about saving money, when in my last paragraph I was talking about spending it. I have to say one thing. If you don't give yourself treats every now and then, life becomes a drudgery. I mean yeah, there is family and cute kid grins, but new golf clubs help when you're overwhelmed with work and school. We'll be paying for them with our tax return. The majority of our tax return we've already decided how to invest. I'm really excited that we have all these investing options.

A rolled over a few days ago. I was downstairs doing dishes or something and hubby was upstairs with her. He yelled down when she did it the first time, and then she did it again. I missed both times, but I am hopeful I will see her next performance!

C is learning all sorts of new words, and every day she is making more and more sense. She can count to 10, and it is so cute when she does. I made a little quicktime video of her doing it. It was so cute! She loves to watch it and keeps saying "'gain!"

Hubby is in the middle of his last week of his current class. He had his last class meeting tonight, and on Thursday he has the last 3 hour class. Then he has a week off, and next Thursday he starts another class. I'm doing my best to encourage him, but he really doesn't need much encouragement. He mostly encourages me when I get down about things. dishes, sleep, kids. He was saying the other night that he felt bad that I was doing the dishes all the time (we both don't like doing them). I guess I need to help him (and me) realize that the dishes are my responsibility and when he helps its a perk. At least for the time he is in school. Afterwards, I hope he can help more. But seriously he already does so much to help me. I need to get going. If I planned my days better, I could easily get things done around here.

I realy want to start walking on our treadmill. I was thinking that I could walk the first hour of the kids naps. I usually walk for about 20 min, so I could get them both off to sleep, and then go walk.

I'm really sad this week. My top guilty pleasure, "Gilmore Girls" will be ending this week. Season 4 is ending on Thursday. Season 5 is currently on the WB so I doubt that ABC family would alreayd show it. So sadly, I don't know what I will be doing for an hour every day. I guess I could use that time to work out or clean the house. but seriously, what would I have to look forward to every day? Bummer!! Looking forward to that can get me through little sleep, crying babies, or even a 2 year old who won't take a nap! :)

So this week I've been a little worried about my brother C. He has had some troubles. He is a small buisiness owner. His website is
throw some buisiness his way! He makes the most beautiful pictures. Or I should say he frames the most beautiful pictures. He takes beautiful prints and puts them in wonderful framing and matts. They are wonderful. A trip to his "factory" usually means that I leave wanting to buy at least a couple of pictures. Right now there are 2 in particular that I want. My problem is that I don't have any more places to put them :) I worked for him this summer while I was pregnant with A. C's daughter would watch C while I worked for 3 hours a day. It was very interesting to see a picture go from just some dimensions on a piece of paper to a picture. Wonderful frames with a combination of matts and a picture. The whole thing knocks your socks off.

C goes to shows where a bunch of vendors get together and buyers come through and see what's available and place orders. C just did a show in Houston and then one in Chicago. While in Chicago someone broke the window of his suburban (hello, over 100k miles on it. Why would you want it?) stole a bunch of paperwork, his cd player, and his new digital camera. Now this happened to hubby and I about 2 months back, and our digital camera was taken. I don't know why he didn't think about the possibility. Also, the people tried to get C's car started and really messed up the steering column. If they had been able to start the car, they would have stolen everything, including a trailer with about 100 pictures in it. Major loss. Another thing I don't know why he didn't think about was that about a year ago his wife's purse was stolen out of their car. Don't leave valuable things in the car! They've had a lot of hard times at the hands of criminals in the past 2 years.

I bet he was just tired from the long day at the show. I just feel really bad about it though. This is his families only source of income and just a few days before things looked like they were going well and C even said something positive about how the buisiness was looking legitimate. His total loss was probably $500 for repairs to the vehicle, $300 for the camera, and then misc for some bedding and stuff that was stolen. Did I mention that he has 5 kids? Well, I guess since it didn't kill him, it should make him stronger. It just makes me mad when criminals steal things from people who work hard for what they have. I really want this buisiness to work for C. Also, my parents have some $$ sunk into the buisiness, and I don't want them to lose any money for retirement or the mission that they hope to go on in about 2 years. My aunt and uncle are serving in the Phillipines right now and the other day I realized that my mom and dad could be leaving soon. I don't know why I didn't realize it before :)