Friday, February 04, 2005

Great day!

So today we converted to cable internet. faster. Not as lightning quick as hubby convinced me it would be, but still fast.

I just heard that Amazing race 7 will be starting only 3 weeks after the current season ends. AWESOME!! great reality show that is worth watching.

why is it that I can't write and watch TV at the same time? Its like my thoughts are scattered and I can't put them together.

I've been keeping an eye on a new message board lately. My hubby introduced me to They discuss BYU sports, but among all of that there are many interesting links and all sorts of fun stuff. Here is my favorite one from today. I think the reason I like it so much is that although it is really funny, I could totally see me doing this. Of course I wouldn't record it though :) The song has a good beat and I don't know if its just me but it makes me want to dance along with this guy. I guess it just shows what a dork I am.

Another reality show I like to watch is Project Runway on Bravo. Yeah, it does have to much swearing, but... well I have no justification. I just don't watch it with hubby or the kids. I have been keeping an eye on the discussion board over at and they totally hate Wendy (thats her name, right?), one of the contestants who is older and a mom. My problem is that I totally am rooting for her, and identify with her on some level. I too am socially awkward. I never know what to do or how to react. Basically I'm to self conscious. This is getting better as I get older. but anyway, I digress. Since everyone over there hates Wendy, I haven't had the courage to say anything or stick up for her. My only comeback would be something like "Yeah? Well.... uh, she uh.. yeah!" She actually designs dresses well, and the next challenge is an oscar dress, so I think she'll make it through to fashion week. I can't wait to see a whole line from all of the designers. Especially one where I assume there will be few time or money constraints? I don't know about the $$, but at least I hope there will be no time constraints. I wonder what they will do about the model that couldn't make it to the last runway competition - the one that Austin filled in for. Its hard because all the models at this point are pretty, walk well, or have some feature that makes it so I can tell them apart from the others. At the beginning they were all just pretty faces :)

Lets see... I'm really bummed because the last episode of Gilmore Girls, season 4 was on ABC family yesterday. Now I don't have anything really to look forward to every day. We are still thinking about Directv, but really don't have a strong reason to switch over... I fear that by the time we switch over (if ever) Season 5 of the gilmore girls will be over, and the show will be cancelled (Pamie over at TWOP is always talking about how its not as good as it once was, and will probably be cancelled soon).

Another good show to watch is Monk. The new season just started. He has a new sidekick - I guess because Sharona asked for to much money. For me its like they tried to be the same, but different. It comes off like they were trying to hard to me. They got another blond woman, but this time with a daughter (hello Benji). But the show is still good. And I'm actually starting to like the new woman. We'll see what happens as the season progresses.

Maclouds daughters is also good. Mostly like it because its set in Australia. Can't hate an interesting show set in Australia.

Why don't I have anything to look forward to if I watch all these shows you ask? Well, these are all on when hubby is home. GG showed in the middle of the afternoon during naptime. It was like the whole house was quiet and I could concentrate on watching GG without having to turn it way up to hear it or chase kids around and miss parts. This was important because the Gilmores all talk really fast, but say really funny things all the time. So you had to listen carefully to catch it all sometimes.

I'll recover, but in the meantime, I'm bummed :)

today I spent a lot of time online chatting with hubby at work and hanging out at cougarboard. I don't know what I'll do next week.

I finally got the address for my cousin today. I crocheted her a baby blanket for her newly adopted daughter like a month ago and never got around to the sending part. :) I always forget the important stuff.

I'm halfway through a blanket for my sis in law who is having twins in 8 weeks or so. I'm starting to worry that I won't have 2 blankets for her in time. I'm also thinking of making and selling baby blankets online. I could possibly make money at it. I'm always trying to keep an ear to the ground for ways to make extra money to save and invest.

The other day a guy called me out of the blue with an opportunity. One of those sell to your friends and family deals. Some sort of supplement. I hate those buisinesses. When its family or close friends I feel obligated to buy. Even when they are just having a party I feel obligated to buy. Its cheaper to stay home when someone is having one of those parties. And also, if you don't know what you're missing (or what they are selling) you don't know what you're missing.

Please don't invite me to your product parties!!!!! :)

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