Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Tuesday night

So I realized tonight that it had been a few days since my last post. I've had to many things on my plate these days.

I've been working on geneology, keeping up with Cougarboard.com, taking care of kids, taking care of hubby, dads birthday, Sister is in town.

I guess I'm just making excuses. Oh well

We went over to my parents house on Sunday to celebrate my Dad's birthday, that is actually tomorrow. I got to talk to Ae and also my brother J and Dad. Mom got to play with all the kids. But I have to say that it was extremely crazy. My sister W, Sister J, brother J, Brother C all there with their kids. So a total of around 17 kids, and about 10 adults. That house was packed. Good thing we were able to send all the kids down to the basement to play.

It was great to see my sister L who was in town from Idaho Falls. It was great to talk to her. Before she came we were talking on the phone about once a day. Basically because we were both lonely for someone to talk to. Hopefully we'll get back to that now that she is in Idaho Falls again. Its weird that we weren't able to have such great conversations in person :) It must have something to do with the fact that on the phone we are just wasting time, and in person we have things to do.

She loaned me "Wives and Daughters" . I would recommend it. It was an excellent movie.

L is doing great right now. She is a court reporter and has hopes of going into captioning. She is scheduled to take a test in July. Once she has passed the test, she will receive a license to caption and she can get a job in it. She has a company in mind. If she were to get hired on, she would be able to work for a few hours every day from home. She wants to be a writer and would be able to use the rest of the time writing. So she would be able to support herself while she writes. I sure hopes it works out because she has worked hard and deserves it.

Enough for today. Gotta go.

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