Tuesday, February 01, 2005


For some strange reason I've been avoiding this blog. I just didn't want to write an entry. I don't know... strange

So this week has been busy. Hubby finally talked me into cable internet. He works hard, and deserves a few perks. I justify it by saying that he needs it for school :) We also negotiated new golf clubs for him. It was much better than a new laptop which he wouldn't really use anyway. I've talked him into letting me have the same amount of money to spend on a treat for me, but I just can't think of anything I want that I don't already have.

I've been thinking about selling crocheted baby blankets on the internet. With cable internet, we get a web site. It would be fun. I could make a little extra money to save. Its weird to be thinking about saving money, when in my last paragraph I was talking about spending it. I have to say one thing. If you don't give yourself treats every now and then, life becomes a drudgery. I mean yeah, there is family and cute kid grins, but new golf clubs help when you're overwhelmed with work and school. We'll be paying for them with our tax return. The majority of our tax return we've already decided how to invest. I'm really excited that we have all these investing options.

A rolled over a few days ago. I was downstairs doing dishes or something and hubby was upstairs with her. He yelled down when she did it the first time, and then she did it again. I missed both times, but I am hopeful I will see her next performance!

C is learning all sorts of new words, and every day she is making more and more sense. She can count to 10, and it is so cute when she does. I made a little quicktime video of her doing it. It was so cute! She loves to watch it and keeps saying "'gain!"

Hubby is in the middle of his last week of his current class. He had his last class meeting tonight, and on Thursday he has the last 3 hour class. Then he has a week off, and next Thursday he starts another class. I'm doing my best to encourage him, but he really doesn't need much encouragement. He mostly encourages me when I get down about things. dishes, sleep, kids. He was saying the other night that he felt bad that I was doing the dishes all the time (we both don't like doing them). I guess I need to help him (and me) realize that the dishes are my responsibility and when he helps its a perk. At least for the time he is in school. Afterwards, I hope he can help more. But seriously he already does so much to help me. I need to get going. If I planned my days better, I could easily get things done around here.

I realy want to start walking on our treadmill. I was thinking that I could walk the first hour of the kids naps. I usually walk for about 20 min, so I could get them both off to sleep, and then go walk.

I'm really sad this week. My top guilty pleasure, "Gilmore Girls" will be ending this week. Season 4 is ending on Thursday. Season 5 is currently on the WB so I doubt that ABC family would alreayd show it. So sadly, I don't know what I will be doing for an hour every day. I guess I could use that time to work out or clean the house. but seriously, what would I have to look forward to every day? Bummer!! Looking forward to that can get me through little sleep, crying babies, or even a 2 year old who won't take a nap! :)

So this week I've been a little worried about my brother C. He has had some troubles. He is a small buisiness owner. His website is www.barlowfineart.com
throw some buisiness his way! He makes the most beautiful pictures. Or I should say he frames the most beautiful pictures. He takes beautiful prints and puts them in wonderful framing and matts. They are wonderful. A trip to his "factory" usually means that I leave wanting to buy at least a couple of pictures. Right now there are 2 in particular that I want. My problem is that I don't have any more places to put them :) I worked for him this summer while I was pregnant with A. C's daughter would watch C while I worked for 3 hours a day. It was very interesting to see a picture go from just some dimensions on a piece of paper to a picture. Wonderful frames with a combination of matts and a picture. The whole thing knocks your socks off.

C goes to shows where a bunch of vendors get together and buyers come through and see what's available and place orders. C just did a show in Houston and then one in Chicago. While in Chicago someone broke the window of his suburban (hello, over 100k miles on it. Why would you want it?) stole a bunch of paperwork, his cd player, and his new digital camera. Now this happened to hubby and I about 2 months back, and our digital camera was taken. I don't know why he didn't think about the possibility. Also, the people tried to get C's car started and really messed up the steering column. If they had been able to start the car, they would have stolen everything, including a trailer with about 100 pictures in it. Major loss. Another thing I don't know why he didn't think about was that about a year ago his wife's purse was stolen out of their car. Don't leave valuable things in the car! They've had a lot of hard times at the hands of criminals in the past 2 years.

I bet he was just tired from the long day at the show. I just feel really bad about it though. This is his families only source of income and just a few days before things looked like they were going well and C even said something positive about how the buisiness was looking legitimate. His total loss was probably $500 for repairs to the vehicle, $300 for the camera, and then misc for some bedding and stuff that was stolen. Did I mention that he has 5 kids? Well, I guess since it didn't kill him, it should make him stronger. It just makes me mad when criminals steal things from people who work hard for what they have. I really want this buisiness to work for C. Also, my parents have some $$ sunk into the buisiness, and I don't want them to lose any money for retirement or the mission that they hope to go on in about 2 years. My aunt and uncle are serving in the Phillipines right now and the other day I realized that my mom and dad could be leaving soon. I don't know why I didn't realize it before :)

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