Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I'm sorry

Ok, I was going through a sort of hormonal thing when I wrote that last entry.

After I had A four months ago, Hubby and I opted for an IUD for birth control. It sort of messed my body and periods up for a few months and the day I wrote that last post, my first period started. I usually don't have such severe highs and lows but I think it must have to have something to do with the fact that it was the first after a few months without. I sure hope they aren't all like that. My periods usually don't affect me all that much hormonally. It would be hard for hubby and I both to get used to it! (crossing fingers!)

So I've gotten into family history and had a major breakthrough last sunday. Hubby had taken a family history class back in '99 and had all sorts of info on Gedcom. I took that and decided to pursue a branch of the family that we didn't have much info on. I had a breakthrough when I searched They had much of the info I was looking for. My mother in law was able to fill in some of the gaps, and she gave me the phone number of her aunt. Hopefully I'll be able to get the rest of the info from her. I'm really excited, and I've been e-mailing back and forth with the guy who had provided the info on He's asked many questions that I am still learning about. So he is providing me with lots of questions to ask.

My sister Ar had a scare earlier this week. She is about 3 months along with her first baby. I found out Saturday morning that she had spent most of Friday night in the hospital with bleeding. They were afraid she would lose the baby. My mom called me and asked me to check on her because Mom has a night job and sleeps all day and she wanted someone to check up on Ar. Well When I called Ar, I sort of had emotional Diarhea all over her. I was trying to be comforting but then in the middle of the conversation I looked at my kids and realized how devastated I would be if something were to happen to them and how sad I was that this could possibly be something my younger sis would have to go through. I started crying and expressed to Ar that I wish that I could take this pain from her and handle it for her.

I don't think she needed to hear that. I probably should have just shut myself up but didn't. Ar handled me well though. :) She didn't lose the baby. So we are all praying for her and wishing her the best.

Hubby has been very busy at work and school lately but he still took the time to send me and the kids e-cards on Valentines day (his day off, so he had to do it the week before) He also got me a spa day coupon, and cleaned the house from top to bottom. I think it had something to do with my emotional breakdown of sorts the week before, because we usually don't do a whole lot of stuff for each other on valentines. I felt bad because I didn't do anything for him. I was being stupid and didn't think it would matter, but its been bugging me ever since. I've been trying to come up with something to do to make it up to him.

C and A get cuter every day. C is learning new words, and phrases and things every day! She loves to count to 10. Sunday she came home from nursery and started counting to 10 with her hands over her eyes. I think they were trying to teach her to play hide and seek or something. Anyway I taught her to say "Ready or not here I come" after counting to 10. It translated to "come". It was so cute! She did it over and over.

A has the cutest smile and loves to kick in the bathtub. She loves it when C plays with her. The only problem is that C has started to hit and bite A. The hitting I can deal with. But the biting really bothers me. How can C bite someone so small and unable to defend herself.
I'm using the naughty chair techniques. I hope they work!!!

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