Friday, January 28, 2005

Another Friday

So hubby talked me into cable internet today. He is convinced he needs it for school. Well, he doesn't exactly need it right now, but will need it next year when he starts taking classes where he will need to create web sites and writing programs.
So I guess its ok. If we get strapped for cash, we can always cancel the service until we actually have to have it.

We're still talking about changing dish network for directv. I'm still waffleing about if we really want to switch over just to save $1. And for 10 more channells. Including the WB... Gilmore girls... :) maybe . I'm holding out for a free dvr :)

Well I took C to story time at the library yesterday. It was a lot of fun. They had singing, stories, and playtime. C had a great time and I think I'll have to make it a weekly thing. We went to the DI for books afterwards. I haven't read a new book in a long time, so thought it was about time for some reading material. :) Afterwards we went to Wendy's for lunch since I had forgotten to eat breakfast. Those new side Salads are a great idea! The hamburgers are still fattening, but at least you're not adding the fat grams of the fries to that also!

Today was a great day also. I got to bed early, so wasn't thrown to far off schedule when A woke up twice last night. I was able to get up with my alarm clock. I gave C and A baths as soon as A got up. A is kicking a lot in the bathtub now. I don't know if she is actually kicking for the water fun, or because she just likes to kick. I guess it doesn't matter :) Its just fun to see her kicking so much. I love that she is so healthy and normal. Some people think she is delicate or something because she was 5 pounds 3 ounces when she was born. But she is normal and gaining weight at a normal rate, and developing normally. She rolled over a couple times earlier this week. She's almost 4 months old now! I can't believe it. She's getting so big!

So with the girls taking naps earlier, I want to start working out on our treadmill during their naps. My only worry is that C won't take a nap at all without me to keep putting her back in bed. I guess I'll just have to work out when I can during that time. I need to though. I have come to the conclusion this week that my life is to seditary. I need to get up and get moving!!!

My goal : work out 3-5 times a week. I will be happy if I can only work out 3 times, and if I work out 5 times, I will be extremely happy!!

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