Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Great Week

Well camping was awesome. We had so much fun.

We arrived at the camp Wednesday afternoon. We were able to get the best cabin where there were springy type beds. Also, all the cabins had electricity. So we plugged in the tv and let the girls watch the Wiggles while we set up the cabin. Then I was able to go and explore all the rooms and places they never let us go when I was there for girls camp. It was cool!

Anyway, we parked all of our food in the vast kitchen. That night we ate hotdogs and smores. We actually had that the next night also. I started feeling a little sick when thinking about hot dogs after that, so no more! I did eat a few marshmallows Friday night with the rest of the ward when they came up though...

The whole thing was a blast. C had fun playing in the dirt. She's an outside girl, so she was in Heaven. A had fun to. She loved being outside the whole time.

Well we had a sort of family give away yesterday. Everyone was invited to clean out their closets and bring it. Mom invited everyone over for a Memorial day breakfast. Then we all went to the driveway where the stuff was, and had at it. I thought I was getting rid of stuff, but ended up bringing home about the same amount of stuff I brought. That was ok though, because I had uses for the stuff. Overall I think it was the best idea my parents have had yet. They are planning on having another one in a few months. Basically because my sister A and her hubby are moving in with mom and dad, they are cleaning out all the closets. In a way, its forcing us to take our stuff home with us! :)

This week I might try potty training C again..... we'll see...

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

packed schedule

Yesterday was my Mom's birthday. Before I realized that, I had a full day planned of errands, etc. to get ready for a (sort of) camping trip. My sister Wendy called and reminded me that it was Mom's birthday in the morning, and then invited me to go to lunch with everyone to celebrate. Lately, when someone has a birthday, we've all been going to lunch together to celebrate, so we shouldn't leave Mom out! When I say all of us, I mean all of us. Most of my Sisters and Sister in laws are stay at home mom's and a few of my sisters who work, are usually able to get away for lunch. So potentially for lunch, we could have a crowd of 18 women and children, if everyone were to show. Yesterday only 10 could make it. We had a fun time. Its great to have a bit of a "hen's party" as Mom used to call it when we were younger and all the women got together.

So today, Hubby and I will be going up to a church camp that our ward has rented for the ward campout. This church camp told the ward though, that for their $$ they have the camp from Wednesday until Sunday. So the ward said, hey if you want to go up early, go ahead. So we are! It should be really fun to. I'm pretty sure that we will be the only ones up there today. Their will be an elderly couple coming up tomorrow, and the rest of the ward will be their Friday night. We will have a huge church camp to ourselves! This is the same camp where I went to girls camp. So I will be able to explore like I was never able to back then! All those places I wasn't allowed to go! It should be fun. I haven't been up for about 5-8 years though, and my sister who was up their as a leader 2 years ago said that they have made lots of improvements. So new places to explore. yay! It won't be real camping though. I suppose I should be thankful of that - with 2 small kids. They have a huge lodge (basically a huge gym with a stage and everything. It has a nice big kitchen and if they haven't changed things to much, separate mens and womens bathrooms with showers! My sister said they had remodeled the showers, but she couldn't remember if they were still seperated into mens and womens bathrooms and showers. That would be a little scary to bump into another ward member in the shower. I'm sure most won't take one when just going overnight. But I would be a little disturbed to run into someone from the ward in the shower, much less a member of opposite sex! They do have curtains and everything. But still! I'm sure they're seperate. They have to be! If not, I might have to enlist hubby to guard! :)

We'll get back on Saturday and that night I need to go to a baptism for a new member of our primary.

Then on Monday it's over to Mom and Dad's for a Memorial day breakfast with the family and an "Exchange". This is what Mom and Dad have named it at least. Basically we are all supposed to bring stuff we don't need/want that we think others might need/want and exchange stuff. I'm interested to see what will happen. I'm not bringing much just because we're supposed to participate in the neighborhood garage sale in about a month, and I don't have much to begin with. I'm the chairman of that comittee so I HAVE to have a garage sale. :), amd Dad said I could take the leftovers from the giveaway.

They're basically having it because my sister and her husband are moving into their basement. Dad's taking the opportunity to give away tools and stuff out of the garage, and Mom's cleaning house and giving away old books and movies. Things they dont' really need anymore.

My sister who is moving in is about 24 weeks pregnant. She's the skinny mini of the family. She's not gaining a bunch of weight, but she is constantly hungry. My single sister L said that was what bothered her about them moving in with the parents. Now when she went over to visit, my sister usually has eaten everything in sight, and that would bug her, she said. I think it's funny. I kind of thought that she might be exaggerating a bit, but when the pregnant sister came over last night, the first thing she said was "do you guys have anything to eat?" It was so funny. I don't ever remember being hungry while pregnant. But I don't have a very good memory, and I'm fat, so I guess if the baby was hungry she went after my stored fat (YAY!) .

I only gained 29 lbs with C. The last 9 pounds was in 1 week, so easily explained as water weight gain. And just over 10 pounds with A. Now, lest you get on me about not gaining enough weight when pregnant, My doctor approved. He said that as long as I wasn't losing weight it was ok if I gained very little. I should explain that I'm fat. We'll leave it there. I need to lose weight. I really dont want to get pregnant again until I've lost some weight. I really need to get on the ball if I want to be healthy as I get older, and if I want more kids. Which I'm pretty sure I do - eventually.

Well anyway, the Friday after Memorial day, hubby is going down to Salt Lake to attend a Real Salt Lake soccer game with his brother. They usually go to some game or another about once a year. It doesn't bother me. I encourage it. Hubby brings home the bacon, and he works hard. We all need rewards to keep us going at work, and other stuff we don't like to do. Just as long as he lets me come to a BYU game with him occasionally. :) We went to the BYU BSU game when I was 37 weeks pregnant with A. It was great. We had ok seats, and I was able to exchange them for seats closer to the ground by explaining my condition :) Also, the walk clear across campus took me from a 0 to a 1 dilation. So I was pretty happy about that! It just about killed us though when that guy missed the kick (fieldgoal? don't remember) The new seats put us in the BSU season ticket holders section. There were 2 other guys rooting for BYU about 4 rows down from us. It was an interesting situation.

So we have an adventurous few weeks planned. Its going to be fun!

Friday, May 20, 2005

The Piano

About 2-3 years ago we bought a piano. It was an old upright that weighed about 1,000 pounds. It was green. So you could say that it was unique. It wasn't ugly though. It was uniquely attactive.

However it was not my ideal piano. for one thing I did not want to have to worry about getting 6 guys together every time I wanted to move it across my living room. Also, the green color kind of limited what colors I used to decorate.

So when a couple of people admired it, I mentioned that I would be willing to sell it. Well one person acted really interested, but I didn't hold my breath, knowing that she most likely didn't have the $$ to buy.

The other person I mentioned it to, said that she had a friend who was looking to buy a piano. I didn't think twice about it, because even if this friend was looking to buy a piano, who knew if she wanted a really heavy green piano?

Well, this past Tuesday, this person called me and asked if I would still be willing to sell the piano. I was like, "Well, yeah I guess so". Within 10 minutes, the friend was on the phone with me arranging a time to see the piano that night. That night the friend came and saw it. She liked it and tried to make a deal. We bought the piano for around $450 and that was all that we were asking for it. We told her that we just wanted our money back from the piano so that we could go out and buy a different piano. She acted very interested, and left after telling us that she would most likely take it.

That night she called and said that she wanted the piano, and that she would call me the next day to arrange when she would pick it up. We had mentioned that hubby could help move the piano any day this week after 5:45. Well the next day around that time, a van with a trailer pulled up. So she forgot to call, but it worked out for the best.

The next day I already was missing that darn piano. My living room looked very dowdy without it. It's weird that a piece of furniture can make such a difference.

Well I started looking for another piano the same day they picked our old one up. There wasn't anything I was interested in that day, but the next day, Thursday, their was a new Thrifty Nickel coming out. It it was this ad.

"WURLITZER UPRIGHT piano/ bench, excellent condition."

Well, I was a little skeptical about the piano, because it said it was an upright. That usually means that its a really tall, really heavy piano, just like the one we got rid of. But I googled it using google images, and what came up were pictures of smaller console pianos. So because of that, and the fact that it was smack dab in the middle of our price range, I called and left a message.

They called back and they assured me that it was a smaller console type piano. We arranged a time for us to go see it tonight. They lived in the next town over, in the middle of the country, so we also benefitted from a chance to drive through the area where we want to buy a few acres of land in the next year or two to build our dream house on.

We got there and the people were really nice. they had horses and dogs. C was in heaven. The dogs were very nice and gentle. One was huge and named "candy" and the other was mini and named "Sweetie". C got really brave and pet the big one quite a few times. I can't wait until we have some land and can have dogs! The only thing that I don't know if I would do, is they allowed the dogs inside, which I'm usually for, it just seemed weird to have this huge dog lumbering around inside the house. :)

They led us to a separate entrance, what looked like a mother in law apartment. The woman had mentioned that the piano had belonged to her husbands mother who had passed away something like 6 years earlier, so I would assume that was who had been living there. It currently looked unoccupied.

The piano was great. It was in good shape, and had great sound. I liked what I saw and played all the keys to make sure they all worked. I also played a few chords and part of an Enya song to get an idea of what the sound was like.

The lady left us alone for a few minutes to talk. We decided to make an offer. I should mention that before we left to go see the piano, I called my mom. She has a sister who buys and sells pianos, and Mom had at one time attempted to make a buisiness out of it also. It didn't go very far though. I just don't think she had a passion for it. She ended up buying 2 pianos. She sold the one to my sister, and restored the other and I think gave it to my brother. Anyway, my point is that she knew some things about price. She said that they were really asking to much for the piano and that we should offer about $100 less. I guess this time of the year is not the best for selling pianos. She said the time to unload a piano is in the fall when parents are starting their kids in piano lessons.

So when hubby and I finished discussing the piano, we went to find this lady. She was just across the yard feeding the horses. C was in heaven. When I asked her if she would deal with us, she said to make her an offer. Hubby said would you take X amount ($100 less than asking price). She went and discussed this with her hubby and came back. We got the piano!!!

So we are going to pick it up on Saturday!! YAY!

I'm so excited to have a piano that isn't so unique. One that won't force a certain palatte of colors on my living room. It is beautiful though. A perfect color of finish. Not to light, but not super dark either.

Speaking of that, I forgot to mention that the lady we sold our original piano to has a love for the color green. I guess that she parts of her house decorated entirely in green. So the piano has finally found its proper home. Let me say at this time that the piano was sort of a sage-y green. Not horrible at all. Just that you had to choose colors to decorate that went along with it.

But anyway, everyone is happy!

Monday, May 16, 2005

What a weekend

Wel, all four of us are sick, and the computer needs a new power supply. So here I am typing along on hubbies laptop. This post will be short due to the fact that I'm not used to this keyboard.

We stayed home from church yesterday because we all have bad colds.... well most of us. I'm nearly over it, A is towards the end of it, hubby is just starting it, and C, well, C has just had a high fever for the past few days. Today though it looks like the fever is gone. I just wish I knew if she was going to get the cold?

A got this cold in the nursery last week while hubby was subbing. He let her sit on the floor and said that a couple of the kids kept giving her hugs. Totally fine with me, I just wish someone had kept their sick kid home.

I'm going to suggest that we get a "no bugs allowed" sign for the nursery door for those parents who are to stupid to realize that the rest of us don't want the cold their kid has.

Well, already I'm tired of this keyboard, and a is crying.

So long

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Well, I finally decided that it was time to post a picture.

Sorry, deleted!

Aren't we all cute? I realize that hubby isn't in this picture, but I couldn't find one where we all looked good. You know how picky we women are.

Anyway. I hope I don't regret posting that picture. I've been putting it off for a while.

Well, Mia slept through the night last night. She seems happy today. Yeah!!!

Nothing else to report.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Another Wednesday

Lets see, Nothing to exciting happening in my life right now...

My little sister L is now living in her own house about 5 minutes down the road from me. She has a job where she doesn't know if she has to work until the afternoon/evening before. She's a court reporter. She does depositions and stuff. Anyway, we went to lunch on Tuesday and it was a bunch of fun. My sister S is also now working about 10 minutes away from my house. So she came to lunch with us also. She also likes to come to my house about once a week for lunch. Sometimes I feed her a sandwich, and other times she brings her own lunch.

Anyway, it really is great because it breaks up the day for me. Also, it motivates me to clean areas of my house. Like, today she came over for lunch and so I deep cleaned my kitchen! Yay! Tomorrow, my goal is to pick up the rest of the house and maybe do some laundry.

I really need to make a schedule for my day. I do well when I have goals.
Maybe this?
6:30 - wake up, work out, shower
8:00 - get the girls up. Feed C a banana (her favorite breakfast food)
8:00 - 9:00 let Cecilee watch the Wiggles or Maisy (basically one of her shows)
9:00 - 11:30 clean the house, play with playdo, do puzzles, read books, do stuff with the kids.
11:30 - Sesame Street
12:30 - A's nap time, feed C lunch.
1:00 - C's nap time
1:00 - 3:30 or so - Clean house, do laundry, watch tv, whatever I want
3:30 - this is where I get lazy. I usually just let C play while I watch the West Wing or some other stupid show. Maybe once she stops trying to dig up the garden I can eventually let her play outside during this time.
4:30 - 5:30 make dinner - A usually cries through the last half hour. I hate that.
5:45 - eat dinner.

So my chores during the week are Laundry, kitchen, Front Room, Family room, bathrooms,

I would also like time to do primary stuff, and crochet, also play games and read cougarboard.

I also need to set aside a day for errands... but maybe I could do those on Mondays when hubby is home.

So everyday I should clean the kitchen. Tuesdays I could do the laundry. Wednesdays Frontroom, Thursdays Family room, and Friday Bathrooms.

So my ideal schedule would be:
6:30 - wake up, work out, shower
8:00 - get the girls up. Feed C a banana (her favorite breakfast food)
8:00 - 9:00 let Cecilee watch the Wiggles or Maisy (basically one of her shows)
9:00 - 11:30 clean the kitchen, play with playdo, do puzzles, read books, do stuff with the kids.
11:30 - Sesame Street
12:30 - A's nap time, feed C lunch.
1:00 - C's nap time
1:00 - 3:30 or so - Clean the area for that day, read cougarboard, crochet, play games, IM with hubby
3:30 - Not sure what to do with this time. Play outside?
4:30 - 5:30 make dinner - I can't wait until A starts crawling so that she can amuse herself during the last half hour that she gets cranky.
5:45 - eat dinner.

Well anyway, thanks for letting me think out loud.

A has a cold that is scaring me a little. She has had a runny nose with green snot for the last 2 days. A little cough, but nothing extreme, or different from a basic cold that she's had before. But today when I got her up from her nap, I could here the congestion in her chest. She was actually breathing a little differently.

So, I'm thinking about taking her to the doctor this week. But I keep thinking about all the times I've gotten the "you're stupid" looks from the doctor when I brought C in when she'd had a fever over 100 degrees for 3 days. (hello!!!) I think I'll just watch her and if she starts having any sort of problems breathing (not just heavy conjestion) I'll start calling ask a nurse and make an appointment with the doctor.

Right now we've got the humidifier going in her room and hopefully that will break things up.

I'm coming down with the same cold. I've been sucking on those awful orange vitamin C's all night because my mom has always sworn by Vitamin C for colds. She also keeps telling me that if I take them, it will get to A through my breast milk. Well, it should at least boost our immune systems.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Bath Time

So this morning we had bath time. At our house (for the kids) it usually happens on Wednesday, and then Sunday morning.

Yesterday at the store we bought some bubble bath for C. She has had mixed reactions to it in the past (love and hate), but the last time she liked it. So we bought a big bottle of it at the store yesterday. She seemed excited. But this morning when I put it in her bath she kept saying "no bubbles, no bubbles". Since I had already added the bubbles, I couldn't take them out. So I put her in there. She was totally freaking out. Over some bubbles. I don't get kids sometimes. Needless to say she wanted out of there asap. So we soaped, rinsed and were outta there. This is a kid who usually loves to play for a good 20 min or so in the bath. I don't know what the issue was. But she might be coming down with the cold that A has. She is a little cranky this morning.

Friday, May 06, 2005


So I was just reading over what I last wrote and realized that I sounded sort of negative about being in the primary presidency.

To clarify, my only gripe is how they have changed some of the song tunes from when I sang them as a kid.

I know that there is some reason for my being called into the presidency. I'm slowly figuring out that I'm happy I was called. It sounds like it will be some work, but a lot of fun.

So today is Ae and Ar's birthday. We are all taking them out to lunch. Mom, S, W, L, and my sister J. Some chinese restaurant we've never been to. Two of my sisters work over here and I and my sister L live over here, so its more for convenience that we go to this particular restaurant than anything.

So I've been watching this stupid movie on IFC yesterday and today. Its called the Happy times Hotel. I haven't seen the first 30 minutes, but caught the middle 40 minutes or so, but then had to leave. So I found it on again this am, so plan on catching the last 30 minutes or so.

Its a sad story. A girl who is around 18 is blind. When she was young, her mother died, and after that she developed a brain tumor and lost her sight. Her father married a woman, but they fought so much that he left and I assume got divorced. He left his daughter with the woman and she treated the daughter like crap, while treating her own son like a prince. Its a sad story and I feel for this girl because being blind, she can't do the things she wants, and can easily be taken advantage of (people doing things, taking things, tiptoeing around her, counting on her not knowing they are there). That would freak me out!


Went to a primary training meeting last night. It started at 7:00 and when I dropped C off at my sisters house I told her I'd be back by 8:45, 9 at the lastest. When I got to the training, they said, We'll separate for classes and then break at 8:45 for chips and salsa. Ugh. That is late. I also had A, whose bedtime is 8:30. I could tell this would be a long night. All in all it was enjoyable and we got a lot of good info and ideas. But A had had it by the time we left. When I got to the door on my way out I discovered rain was coming down in sheets. I had parked clear across the parking lot, so pulled a blanket over A and walked briskly to the car. By the time I got us all in the car and situated I was pretty wet. I think A stayed pretty dry because of the blanket though.

So I get out on the roads and because of the rain, and it was also dark, I found it hard to see. The rain was pretty deep on the road also. so I felt a little out of control. I hate driving in snow and ice, and this experience was a bit like that. I got out onto the interstate to go home (our stake center is in the middle of no where) There was a ton of standing water on the freeway. I was going about 45 mph, and there was not a lot of traffic (I was passed by one car) but because of the slow going I was afraid that someone would come up behind me going really fast and I would cause an accident. I also felt the car hydroplaning a bit. So I got off at the first exit for the next town over from where I live. I drove through that town, and got over to L's house to pick up C. It was 9:25. Way later than I ever could have guessed. Anyway we were all pooped by the time we got home. I put the kids to bed, and once hubby got home from class, went to bed.

What I don't understand, is why after a late night, the kids didn't wake up later. A woke up about an hour earlier than normal, and C woke up about 45 min later than normal. I was able to get A back to sleep, but that only lasted for 30 min or so.

Oh well. I guess we just need to get to sleep at our normal time tonight.

Well, enough complaining for today.

Life is great. The kids are great. I have many blessings, one of which was finally getting home last night!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

What a week

So on Sunday I got called into the Primary presidency. I'm not sure why. About a month ago they called me to be the Valiant 9 teacher. That was the first time I had been in primary since I was 12 and graduated from Primary.

Things seem very different from when I was in primary. First off, I remember it being more structured.

My biggest gripe is that as we have practiced the songs for the Mothers day program, I realized that they changed the way one of the songs was sung. Hubby was trying to convince me that it made it easier to sing. Then I pointed out to him that we didn't have a problem singing it when I was a kid. Just weird.

So I have my first presidency meeting today. It was so weird on Sunday. I don't really know the new president that well. I have only talked to her twice, and one of those occasions was to schedule a visiting teaching appointment. The other time, it was a pretty basic Hi how are you conversation.

So on Sunday it was like I didn't know where to look. And at out Visiting teaching appointment, We sort of talked about it. I guess I really don't know how I feel about it yet. I really don't know what I'm in for. If I'll enjoy it or not. So I don't know what to say yet.

So am I the only person who feels like they are a teenager in the world of adults?

Here I have 2 kids, am married, and doing all the adult things that adults do, and I still feel like I'm a kid. Its weird. I guess I thought being an adult would feel different somehow.

Well my fondue pots should come soon. I bought some off of e-bay on Friday, but haven't been able to get a response from the seller. I'm a little worried. The seller had some negative feedback, but most seemed to be regarding communication or lack thereof.

I can't wait!

My sister L moved into her house on Monday. She lives about 5 minutes from me now. I'm looking forward to a family member living so close. Most of them live about 30 minutes away.

I've been eating to many whoppers today.